Friday 8 October 2021

More Prisoner…..More Village!

     There is one thing I don’t need, well two really, a couple of undertaker looking chaps stopping outside the house with a vacant coffin ready to abduct me to the village!
    For well over 20 years I have been fully occupied with researching the Prisoner, and writing 6 manuscripts based on the series, two of which, ‘The Prisoner variations’ and ‘The Prisoner – Dusted Down’ have been published. And for the past11 years I have dedicated myself writing my Prisoner based blog, and that means I have been, more often than not in the village, not physically you understand, but mentally and in my mind’s eye.
    After 10 years of writing about the Prisoner series itself, and almost year spent writing Prisoner fan fiction for my blog, I thought enough is enough. Its time I handed in my letter of resignation! Because readers have had the best of me! After all there is only so much one can write about the Prisoner series, only so much fan fiction that can be written based on the series, and I have finally run out of both inspiration as well as ideas. The four blank sheets of foolscap paper, as seen in ‘Hammer into Anvil,’ represent that fact.
    To be honest as far back as May this year I could see that very soon my blog would become inactive. In fact I could myself fortunate to have been able to maintain the blog until the end of September.
   So what now? Commencing from Monday October 11th ‘Village Weekly’ magazine begins the serialization of one of my four novels, ‘The Prisoner – A New Arrival,’ on my blog of course, at the rate of one chapter per week. “Village Weekly never heard of it” you might say you say. Well the magazine is a village publication which appears in the General Store in two episodes ‘Arrival’ and ‘Hammer Into Anvil,’ and sold at the kiosk in ‘It’s Your Funeral.’
    ‘The Prisoner – An Exercise In Logistics’ will follow later next year, with two further such novels in 2023, all of which are set in the village-next-the-sea as I have come to think of the village. They are to be published under the banner of “Fan Fiction” which means no money shall be earned from their publishing, but I shall be promoting NEW Prisoner, and more village. 

Be seeing you


  1. Hi David

    That you will continue writing is very good news!

    I’ve been working through your blog posts, starting with the blog’s beginning in 2010. For me this is an enduring treasure trove.

    Thank you.


    1. Hello Mike,

      Thank you for saying so, and that means a great deal to me. But its one heck of a task for you. Over the years a number of enthusiasts for the Prisoner have used my blog as a research base, and source of information.

      Yes the writing will go on, from Monday morning. Well it was the obvious place for my four Prisoner novels once I found out they would not be published in book form. Although they still could be at some point in the future. I'm just no end pleased they will be read by Prisoner fans.

      Enjoy your weekend
      Very best regards
