Friday 4 February 2022



 COMING SOON! To this blog in weekly chapters

    An exciting, thrilling new novel ‘The Prisoner – An Exercise In Logistics’ serialised in weekly chapters.

    With the publication of ‘The Prisoner – A New Arrival’ proving to be a success, I have decided to follow-on with a second novel which I wrote over 20 years ago, but with slight amendments over the years.

 ‘Fall Out’ saw three representatives of society placed on trial, uncoordinated youth, a member of the establishment, and an ex-secret agent who had resigned his position refusing to say why. Faced with No.1, the former No.6 took matters into his own hands, and a bloody revolution, an horrific fire fight took place causing an immediate evacuation of the village and the escape of four intrepid confederates. Those events took place December 1967 leaving the village abandoned, and no longer cared for, and yet danger still lurked!

    To be published under the banner of “Fan Fiction,” thereby no monies will be earned through the publication of this manuscript.

Be seeing you soon.

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