Tuesday 2 August 2022

An Exercise In Logistics Chapter 26


Destination Danger

    Number 6 walked out of the bedroom still dressed in his dressing gown. In the lounge he glanced out of the window. The Village was bathed in early morning sunshine. He was about to go through into the kitchen, when the door to his cottage opened and standing in the doorway was the well built frame of the dark haired figure of Number 2, sporting a moustache. Dressed in tweed jacket, green shirt, flowered waistcoat, a yellow bow tie, and green trousers. He had the old school scarf draped about his shoulders, carried the compulsory furled umbrella shooting stick, and a well worn Panama hat upon his head.

    “A bit early to come calling, isn’t it?” Number 6 asked digging his hands deep into the pockets of his dressing gown.

    “The early bird catches the worm. Besides I wanted to see how you were after your latest little escapade” said Number 2.


    “Your latest endeavour to leave us, no ill effects I trust?” Number 2 said, as though he was genuinely concerned.

    “I’m touched by your concern.”

    “May I come in? Your breakfast will be getting cold” Number 2 told him, and was about to step over the threshold anyway.

    “Breakfast?” queried Number 6.

    Number 2 walked passed him on his way to the kitchen. A maid followed behind carrying the breakfast tray. A young woman, tall with long blonde hair dressed in a blue dress and white frilly apron and white sailor’s hat. Number 6 followed the maid through into the kitchen where Number 2 had already laid out plates, cups and saucers with cutlery.

    “What’s all this in aid of?” asked Number 6, casually watching the maid place the tray on the table and lay the breakfast out.

    “A small courtesy with no hidden meanings or consequences I assure you” said Number 2 indicating to Number 6 that he should sit down.

    The maid having completed her task curtseyed, and took her leave as the two men sat down to their breakfast.

    “So what do you want? You know as well as I that there is no such thing as a free lunch” Number 6 told his early morning visitor.

    Number 2 busied himself sprinkling salt and pepper over his bacon and eggs “Then call it a free breakfast. I simply wanted to talk with you, and this seemed the most civilised way of doing it, toast?” Number 2 offered holding up the toast rack.

    Number 6 took the offered slice of toast from the toast rack and begun to butter it “Talk, talk about what? I can’t imagine that we have much to say to each other.”


    “Don’t be hostile my dear chap, I want to talk about you. How do you find the eggs and bacon?” asked Number 2 casually.

    “Tepid!” Number 6 told him.

    “Shall I be mother?’” Number 2 asked, picking up the brown Worcester tea pot and pouring out two cups of tea “you know Number Six, I don’t think you have been very happy since your arrival here.”

    “Oh it’s been noticed!”

    “I’ve been reading your file, it grows by the day by the way, and that was a cunning plan of yours.”

    “I think you have the wrong end of the stick!” Number 6 told him “by the way what was it that caught up with me, it wasn’t the Guardian!

    “If it had been, I doubt we’d be talking like this.”

    Both men fell silent whilst they drank their tea. It was Number 2 who eventually broke the silence.

    “You interest me strangely Number Six, you have many fine qualities and abilities. In fact you have much that you can offer The Village and its community.”

    “Tell me the old, old story!”

    “Of course, a man of your calibre should not be wasted” Number 2 told him “we can use a man like you.”

    “Are you on a recruitment drive?”
    “I want your co-operation.”
    “You don’t want much!”
    “I can understand your animosity towards me.”

    “You have the audacity to have me abducted, imprisoned against my will, tell me it’s for my own protection apparently. I’m prevented from leaving, what’s more your treatment of me had been downright deplorable. Now for God knows what reason, you want me to come and work for you!”

    “I assure you that I had nothing whatsoever with having you brought here!”
    “Well it was someone in your position!”

    “My dear fellow you have every right to be angry. Off the record I think they did take something of a liberty with you. But as I understand it, it was for the good of The Village.
    “I said the last time, I want nothing from nobody!”
    “You are a clever man Number Six.”

    “Clever enough I suppose.”

    “And that is why I find myself here and in need of your help” Number 2 told him in all sincerity.

Number 6 looked at him across the table in surprise “You, need my help, what game are you playing?!”

    “Tell me Silas.”

    It was the first time any Number 2 had used his name.

   “Despite everything you liked Number Nine didn’t you? Perhaps you were growing a little fond of her” Number 2 suggested.


    “Yes I suppose so, a nice enough young woman” he said.

    “You accept that she was only acting under instructions having been assigned to you, just in the same way as you acted against The Village in that affair” stated Number 2 feeling that he was close to getting his man.

    “I hope your people were not too hard on her, it wasn’t her fault you know. What happened to her? Your predecessor told me she was no longer with you” Number 6 told him.

    “Not as hard as you, trussing her up in the wardrobe like that, shame on you Number Six! But you’re not likely to see Number Nine again. True she is no longer with us, she’s dead” there was no other way he could have put it.

    “Dead, there has been no funeral.”
    “No, her body still lies in the mortuary.
    “How did she die?”

    “Her body was found at the foot of the cliffs below the Outlook, and that is why I have been brought here, to discover what exactly happened.”
    “Well why waste time talking to me?”
    “No waste I assure you, after all you did know Number Nine, so you come within my remit” Number 2 explained “You see my predecessor failed to find the motivation for Number Nine’s suicide.”

    “My problem is I don’t know whether she jumped or if she was pushed!” Number 2 told him.

    “You think it could have been murder?”

    “Quite” retorted Number 2 quietly.

    Number 6 felt saddened to hear this news, and recalled his mistreatment of her “What has all this to do with me?”

    “I want your help in getting to the bottom of Number Nine’s death.”

    “Why call on me, you seem to be a clever man and you have all the resources of The Village at your finger tips. Whatever your little game is this time, don’t involve me in it!” Number 6 stated, and as defiant as ever.

    “It may seem improbable to you, but there are hostile forces in The Village” Number 2 informed him “there are those who still feeling some loyalty to my predecessor. Perhaps even a conspiracy against me. I burden others with questions, but so far answers have not exactly made a prison for oneself, if you get my meaning.”

    “But you are Number Two Chairman of The Village. As a rule Number Two commands respect and authority” Number 6 assured him, much to his own surprise.

“Not when you suspect one of their number to be a murderer it doesn’t. People clam up when I ask questions. That’s why I need you, someone outside the administrative system.”


    “Why should anyone co-operate with me, I don’t carry the
authority.......oh that’s very good, very good indeed. You almost had me there!” he said showing Number 2 the door.

    “Help me and I will be in a position to help you” Number 2 pleaded.

    “What me, make a deal with the devil, I don’t think so” Number 6 told him “I’ve been caught like that before!”

    “If you had any sort of feelings for Number Nine, I would have thought you would have wanted to find the person responsible for her death.”

    This was a punch below the belt from Number 2 and one not worthy of him, but needs must when the devil vomits in your face.

    “And if I do, what do you get out of it?”

    “I get to clean the barrel of one rotten apple, at the same time gaining the respect of my subordinates. Then I shall be in a position to help you” Number 2 assured him once more.

    “What give me a position of authority you mean, I’m a prisoner here don’t forget.”
    “I have not forgotten. You can ask questions without fear or trepidation, and I’ll keep the guardians off your back, in fact you can have a couple to aid you in your investigation” was 2’s offer.

    “I know what you want, you want me to do your dirty work for you!”

    “There is something about the death of Number Nine that doesn’t sit well. Help me get to the bottom of it” Number 2 pleaded.

    “You’re wasting your time. I want nothing to do with it!”

    “If that was for the benefit of the Observers, I’ve had the cameras and microphones deactivated” Number 2 told him “you’ll be making a mistake by turning me down.”

    “Not as big as the one you made by coming here” again Number 6 showing his visitor the door.

    “All I ask is that you think about it. You know where I’ll be when you change your mind” Number 2 said walking towards the opening door.

    There was something wrong with this Number 2. It had taken time for Number 6 to put his finger on it, but then suddenly he had it “Where is your badge? Have you lost it?”

    Number 2 stopped, turned, and looked down at his left lapel “Silly me, the pin broke this morning and I left it on my desk, really must get it repaired. I’ll look forward to hearing from you soon Number Six, but don’t leave it too long, Number Nine’s funeral is set for tomorrow.”

    The door closed and Number 6 was left with the feeling that he was about to be hoodwinked by this new Number 2, into becoming involved, if not assigned, to investigate the death of Number 9. A young woman who did not deserve to die before her time. Once he had been billed as her protector, now it seemed that he was about to become her avenging angel!

    At the Old People’s Home, “Come along” urged the Brigadier anxious to be making a move of his own.


    “Sorry” said Number 6 moving his Queen out of danger from the attack by the black King’s Rook.

    “I’ve done it again!” the Brigadier told him moving his Queen’s pawn forward one square.

    “Done what?” asked Number 6 studying his position on the board.

    “Caught you thinking!”

    Number 6 could see that his position was hopeless, knocking his King over he resigned!

    “Another game?” asked the Brigadier happy with his win and busy setting up the pieces once more.

    “Yes that is exactly what it is, but I’m not sure whose side I’m on!” Number 6 said.

    “Well that makes a change for you doesn’t it?” the Brigadier said moving his King’s Pawn forward two squares.

    “What do you mean?” Number 6 asked playing Pawn to Queen three.

    “Well it was like that time they thought you had escaped, ran themselves ragged they did looking for you and that Number Nine” the Admiral informed him, moving King’s Knight to King’s Bishop three “how far did you get lad?”

    “Not far enough as you can see” Number 6 returned with Pawn to King three.

    “No escape is far enough!” the Brigadier told him “and you didn’t take Number Nine with you.”

    ‘Did you hear what happened to her?’ Number 6 asked.

    His opponent stared down at the board in silence.

    “Number Nine, what happened to her after I escaped The Village?”

    “But you didn’t escape, they brought you back, don’t you remember?” the Brigadier said leaning forward “they found her tied and gagged in your wardrobe. I heard they took her to hospital for treatment.”

    “Did they release her back into The Village?”

    “She must have been in a bad way” the Brigadier told him playing his next move Pawn to King five.

    “What happened after she left the hospital?” Number 6 asked, suddenly realising that he had already become a pawn in Number 2’s game without even realising it.

    “I only saw her the once, she looked sad, broken, perhaps heartbroken” the Brigadier said looking at his opponent accusingly.

    “Because of what I had done to her?” Number 6 asked, realising that there was no way back for him now.

“Her body was found at the foot of the cliffs below the Lookout.”       
    “Suicide do you think?” asked Number 6.
    “Doesn’t matter what I think, does it?” the Brigadier replied “but if it was she had been driven to it.”
    “And if not?” Number 6 asked.

    “Then she was......”

    The Brigadier looked at him with an expression of shock.

    “Number 2 came to see me this morning with a proposition, I think

he’s out of his depth.”

  “Not surprised he’s not been here five minutes” the Brigadier told him “I think they threw him in at the deep end! He arrived the same day his predecessor left. In fact it looked like she couldn’t get away fast enough!”

    Number 6 played out the chess match with the Brigadier then made his excuses and left, as he walked across the lawn of the Old People’s Home he was approached by a waiter.

    “Excuse me sir, I couldn’t help but over hear you and the Brigadier  talking about the girl Number Nine” the waiter said.

    “What do you know about it?” Number 6 asked projecting an air of authority.

    “Nothing, however I do know who found the dead woman’s body. It was Number One-eight-two. He told anyone who was prepared to listen, you know what it’s like sir, how people like to talk” the waiter told him.

    “Who is Number One-eight-two?”

    “I don’t know sir” began the waiter “who is anyone here? But he works as one of the gardeners. He and another were working on a fallen tree on top of the cliffs, that’s when he found the body.”

    Number 6 thanked the waiter and turned to a Top Hat official of Administration sat at one of the tables “Was a post-mortem carried out on Number Nine?”

    The Top Hat official Number 250, dressed in his black suit and black overcoat peered at Number 6 through his dark glasses “And you are?” he asked seeing the man was not wearing his number.

    “Number Six. Number Two has requested that I help him in the matter of Number Nine’s death.”

    “Where is your badge, have you mislaid it?” asked the Top Hat official.

    “I don’t wear one!” retorted Number 6 casually looking at the badge worn by the Top Hat official.

   “That could be deemed an offence.”

   “I’m exempt of the rule!”

   “Administration has not been advised that an assistant has been assigned to Number Two.”

    “That’s not my problem. Was a post-mortem carried out on Number Nine?” Number 6 said repeating his question.

    “I do not know, I’m not an undertaker!”

    “Is an enquiry to be set up to look into her death?”
    “Ask Number two!”
    “I’m asking you!” he said with authority.

    The Top Hat official laughed “You have been here long enough Number Six to know how things work here. The girl was dead, there was no need for either a post mortem or an enquiry. Certainly that is how Number Two would have it. She wanted the funeral to take place straight away, but the sudden arrival of the new Number Two put paid to that. He arrived on the same day, ordered the body of Number Nine to be kept in the mortuary. I don’t know why, but soon Number Two began to look into Nine’s death, asking questions. He wanted to know about his predecessor, he was annoyed about her having been allowed to leave The Village. Some of us half expected Number Two to have his predecessor brought back, he still might.”


    “Why is that?” urged Number 6 wanting to know more.

    “Is this official?” the Top Hat asked, not wanting to drop himself in it.

    “I told you, I’m assisting Number Two. Why would Number Two have his predecessor brought back to The Village?” Number 6 urged the Top Hat, wanting to know more.

    “Because his predecessor was brought here to clean up someone else’s mess. A prisoner, you, had gone missing, presumed escaped. Number 2 at the time had failed to recapture you. So in turn a new Number Two was sent to clean the mess up of her predecessor. Then came the death of Number Nine. Number Two put the girl’s death down to suicide, and had her file closed” the Top Hat explained quite openly, and without prejudice.

    “Do you think it was suicide?” was Number 6’s final question.

    The Top Hat official thought for a moment “I couldn’t possibly comment not being there at the time.”

    Number 6 descended the steps from the Old People’s Home to the quayside, then down the steps onto the beach where he made his way along the base of the cliffs to below the Outlook. He had turned investigator before he had even realised it. He wanted to know how the body had lain! Standing at the foot of the cliffs he looked for clues as to how the body might have fallen. He looked up at the Outlook, and looked down the cliff face for damage to bushes and undergrowth but it was difficult to tell. Then he turned his attention to the foot of the cliffs where the body would have lain. It was the gardener Number 182 who found the body, who could help him with that. He looked for signs of blood stained rocks, a thread of cloth perhaps hair, but there was nothing to be found. Perhaps more could be gauged from the Outlook itself. Retracing his steps along the beach he climbed up onto the stone path along the sea wall, then up stone steps, and a path through the wooded area of the cliff towards the Outlook. Below the Outlook, a round structure, was a small Grotto, open to the elements on one side, and shell covered on the other. Above was a low concrete wall topped with slab stones, he stood at the low wall and looked down. Sure enough there were signs of damage to the bushes and undergrowth, whether or not it was caused by Number Nine’s body was yet to be proved. Then something caught his eye, something white and round. He retreated down into the Grotto. The curved wall which faced towards the estuary had a number of narrow slits.  
Crouching down he put his left arm through one of the slits to retrieve the 3 inch diameter circular badge, the pin was broken, and the red numeral denoted the number 2! Returning to the top of the Outlook he sat there turning the badge over in his hand, wondering how Number 2 would account for the loss of his badge in such a location and what the discovery meant!


    The white door of Number 2’s residence opened and Number 6 stormed through the foyer, passed the waiting butler, through the open pair of French doors, through the opening steel doors, and down the ramp into the office where Number 2 sat in his black spherical chair behind his grey curved desk. The butler stood in the open door way and simply shrugged his shoulders and closed the pair of French doors and went about his business.

    “Yes Number Six, do come in” Number 2 told him “would you like some tea?”

    “You can forget the social niceties I’m here on business” Number 6 told the man sitting behind the desk.

    “I understand that you have been asking questions, glad to see that you have given yourself to this investigation. Not too sure about your being my assistant though.”

    “Don’t miss much do you?”

    “Tell me, what you have discovered?”

    “If I am to investigate the death of Number Nine I need a free reign, with your authority behind me” was his first demand.

    “I think I can agree to that. You have my full support my dear chap” Number 2 confirmed “anything else?”

    “Some plain talking, I found this in the undergrowth just below the Outlook. How do you explain it?”

    From his blazer pocket Number 6 produced the three inch white disc which was now in a sealed polythene bag, and tossed it on the desk. With its red numeral there could be no doubt to whom it belonged…… Number 2.

    He looked at the badge and picked it up turning it over in his hands “The pin is broken” he observed.

    “Just as you told me it was. I wish that badge taken to the laboratory in order to undergo testing, if you have no objections” Number 6 said leaning across the desk accusingly.

    Number 2 put the badge down “What game are you playing Number Six?”

    “I’m not playing any game. I just like all the cards to be on the table.”

    “According to Hoyle?”

    “Murder is no game” Number 6 told him sternly.

    “Are you accusing me? Because I assure you Number Nine was dead before I arrived in The Village. There is no way I can be linked to the woman’s death. I was brought here to clear this mess up, and I’m

not happy about it as it is. So I can do without your preposterous accusations. I’m sorry I ever asked you to get involved!” Number 2 said from the comfort of his chair.


    “I see that you are still not wearing your badge, pin still broken is it?” asked Number 6 with a wry smile.

    “Yes, but I have it here in my pocket” said Number 2 producing his own Penny Farthing badge, from his blazer pocket. He tossed it on the desk next to its duplicate “as you will observe the pin has been repaired, returned to me not half an hour since, you may feel free to check.”

    Number 6 looked down at the badges in silence.

    “Where did you say you found that badge?”

    “Just below the Outlook in the undergrowth, it was just lying there. I don’t know how your people could have missed it!”

    “Perhaps they didn’t look” Number 2 suggested.

    “If this repaired badge is yours, whose is this other one?” Number 6


    “I should have thought that was patently obvious” Number 2 said pinning his badge onto his lapel.

    “How do I know that that is not just a duplicate?” Number 6 asked.

    “Because there is a subtle difference between them, which I should have thought an investigating officer would have spotted!”

    Number 6 picked up the badge in the polythene bag and compared it with the other one. The badge he held in his hand had the canopied Penny Farthing facing to the left, whereas the badge worn by Number 2 had the Penny Farthing facing to the right!

    “Why the difference? I’ve never understood.”

    “Who can say, it’s just the way things work here. But I’ve an idea it depends upon whose side you are on politically, left of centre or to the right” Number 2 said smiling broadly.

    “I’m on my side” Number 6 informed him.

    “So are we both. And I can see you are just the man for the job. It was observed how easily that Top Hat official opened up to you. Obviously you have a natural attitude of authority.”

    “I just spoke to the man, and he answered my questions. But what puzzles me is why was this badge over looked?” asked Number 6 who couldn’t get his mind around the possibility that the former Number 2 might be a murderess.

    “Well find out my dear chap, find out. It could have been overlooked, it might have been planted later in order to create the conclusion you have come to.”

    “Do you have an assistant?” Number 6 enquired.

    “I do now....you!” Number 2 answered smiling.

    “I have managed to get an autopsy on Number Nine’s body. You can read in the report there is a massive wound to the back of the head” Number 2 said handing over the file.

    Number 6 read the report for himself “The question is then, did she jump, or was she pushed?

    “Exactly” retorted Number 2 “now do your job, and go and find out!”


    “What about Number Thirty-eight?” Number 6 asked.

    “Number Thirty-eight?” queried Number 2.

    “Your predecessor’s assistant. What’s happened to him? He had two guardians under his wing. They could be mixed up in this” Number 6 suggested.

    “Number Thirty-eight was, I believe posted to somewhere in the depths of Administration. The guardians are somewhere about. Why do you ask?” Number 2 asked “you don’t think that Thirty-eight murdered Number Nine, or had her murdered and tried to frame my predecessor?”

    “I really don’t know why you need me. You seem to have it all yourself, clues, questions, and in all probability the answers!”

    “Just keep up what you’re doing Number Six, its excellent work” Number 2 said with a well satisfied grin on his face.

    “What do I get in return?”

    “Satisfaction that you will have avenged Number Nine’s death” Number 2 told him.

    Number 6 began to take his leave.

    “We’ll be bringing her back of course” Number 2 said.

    Number 6 stood before the closed doors for a moment, then turned back to face the man sitting in the chair “I should have thought that Number Nine was well beyond even your powers!”

    “Sadly so, however I was talking about my predecessor. I may even give you the opportunity to interview her yourself, be seeing you.”

    “And you” bid Number 6, as the pair of steel doors slid open allowing him to take his leave.

    Outside in The Village the shadows were beginning to lengthen, it was late afternoon into early evening. It had been a lengthy interview with Number 2. As Number 6 stood at the balustrade of the Green Dome balcony, he was astonished at how easily he had been turned to work for an Administration he had worked so hard to resist and defy. And now he was in it right up to his neck, with a murder to solve, and there was no going back. He had suggested all cards on the table, and Number 2 does appear to have done that. A case of murder and Number 2’s predecessor is the prime suspect! He suddenly felt hungry, he went home. Tomorrow would be another day, the day of Number 9’s funeral.

    It is true to say that during the following morning Number 6 encountered certain hostilities from certain members of the community who resented his sudden authority. To them he was still a prisoner!

    “Can I have a word with you?” Number 6 asked a gardener busy trimming a hedge.

    “I’m busy. You’ll have to wait” retorted the gardener rather brusquely.


    “Do you know who I am?” Number 6 asked with some authority.

    “You’re Number Six. Rumour is Number Two has taken you under his wing for some reason. Well he’s welcome to you, is all I have to say” the gardener told him.

    “I wondered if you knew where one of your fellow gardeners, One-Eight-two, could be found?” Number 6 asked.

    “Wouldn’t know. I’m not his keeper!” was all this particular gardener had to say for himself.

     Number 2 himself had not been idle during this time. He had tracked down Number’s 38, 96 and 69 all of whom had been put in a place of security where they were interrogated. Number 6 had gone to the horticultural shed to have a word with the foreman about 182.
   “What do you want with him?” the foreman asked.
    “Just to ask him a couple of questions, and to show me where exactly it was he found Number Nine’s body.”
    “He’s in the woods clearing a fallen tree from a path halfway between here and the lighthouse.”

    Number 6 set off immediately. Along the cliff path there was a smell of smoke in the air, he followed his nose to find a man attending a fire.
    “Beautiful day” Number 6 said approaching the man.
    “If you’ve got nothing to do but sit about enjoying it!’” the man replied.
    Number 6 noticed the badge pinned to the man’s overalls, 182.
    “I understand it was you who found the body of Number Nine” Number 6 began.

    “Number Nine?” thought the gardener “oh you mean the girl I found lying in the water.”

    Number 6 thought for a moment “In the water you say?”

    There is a gully about ten feet away from the cliffs, when the tide goes out water remains in the gully.

    “I was given to understand that you found her lying at the foot of the cliffs.”

    “No, in the gully, I thought she had drowned.”
    “What were you doing at the time?”
    “Cutting back overhanging branches of a tree, I looked down and saw the body.”
    “What did you do then?”
    “Went down to look at the body” the gardener informed him.

    “What then?”

    “I was going to go for an ambulance, but one was already on its way, I heard its siren blaring out, and then saw it coming along the beach.” the gardener said poking the fire with his fork.

    “Would you show me where exactly it was you found the body?” Number 6 urged the man.

    “I’ve got my work to do” the gardener told him still pocking the fire.

    “That’s alright, it won’t take many minutes.”


    The tide being out they walked the way along the beach until they stood below the Outlook.
    “It was there, lying in the gully of water.”
    Number 6 stood with the gully in front of him. He looked up at the

Outlook, then down the cliff face, the gully was about ten feet from the base of the cliff.
    “Lying face up in the water she was” the gardener told him.

    Had Number 9 jumped her body would have gone straight down, to be found at the foot of the cliff. But for the body to be found where it was, Number Nine must have fallen in an arc. The evidence pointed to one conclusion, Number Nine didn’t jump, she was pushed off the Outlook!

    “My bonfire sir, I can’t leave it unattended” the gardener told him.

    “You can go” he told the gardener “and thank you” he added.
    The gardener turned and hurried back along the beach.

    His main suspects Numbers 38, 96 or 69, or all three or any two of the three acting under the previous Number 2’s order, but why? And what of Number 2 herself, what might her motive have been? Number 6 remained examining the scene for a few more minutes then he too retraced his steps back along the beach. His next step would be to question Numbers 38, 96 and 69.

    Having returned to The Village Number 6’s next port of call was the cottage ‘9 Private’ situated on the edge of the cobbled square. Entering he found the interior of the cottage had been stripped bare, right down to the plaster on the walls! There was nothing left for him to examine, any possible evidence removed. But what was that at the base of a wall, a piece of broken skirting board. Kneeling down he pulled the length of wood away to reveal a small aperture, he put his hand in and removed a note book. It was filled with hand written notes, pencilled sketches, a rough plan of both the coast line and estuary, and of The Village. There were written observations of certain citizens and their activities, Number 2 amongst them.
    “What have you there Number Six?” a voice asked.
    In the doorway stood the figure of Number 2 leaning on his umbrella shooting stick.

    Number 6 jumped ever so slightly “It seems Number Nine had been keeping a journal” Number 6 said closing the leather notebook.

    “May I?” Number 2 asked crossing the room and holding out his hand.

    It was with some reluctance that he handed over the notebook feeling it would be the last time he would see it.

    Number 2 thumbed through the notebook for himself astonished by its detailed content “And you found it where?”

    Number 6 nodded towards the gap in the skirting board.

Number 2 closed the notebook and placed it in his blazer pocket without saying a word.

    “Why should Number Nine make such a record? 6 asked.
    “I haven’t the foggiest idea.”

    “Was Number Nine a plant?”

    “If she was that would account for why she was so desperate to escape with you. She probably saw you as her last chance before it was too late. No doubt she intended taking the notebook with her.”

    “If she was a plant, who do you think she was working for? And is that why she died?”
   “That is beyond your remit Number Six, all you have to do is find her murderer!” Number 2 told him.
    “Do you know what I think?”
    “No Number Six, do tell!”
    “I think it was your predecessor, possibly aided and abetted by Number 38 who may or may not have been backed up by his two henchmen Sixty-nine and Ninety-six.”
    “Because Number Nine was a plant, you have the evidence of that in your pocket, otherwise why would Number Nine have been making such observations and writing them down?”

    “You need not concern yourself with the notebook any further, expunge its existence from your mind.” Number 2 told him “however you will be glad to learn that from information received from the interrogation of Number Thirty-eight and his two cohorts, action has already been taken to have my predecessor found and brought back to The Village, who should be with us in a day or so.”

    “And now you have no further need of me.”

    “You have helped me, now I shall grant you a favour. Tomorrow is Number Nine’s funeral, I shall give you special dispensation to attend so you may pay your last respects.”

    The cortege of Number 9’s funeral was a colourful sight indeed, save for the open black umbrellas, the citizens attending were all in their normal colourful attire. First the brass band playing the Farendal from Bizet’s L’Arlesienne suit, followed by citizens with their black umbrellas and then a tall gaunt Undertaker or Top Hat Administrative official, followed by a taxi with a black and white striped canopy, towing behind it a trailer with a black canopy. At the rear of the cortege walked the solitary figure of Number 6. The cortege wound its way through The Village and across the sand on foot to the graveyard at the foot of the cliffs. A grave had already been dug. It was a simple ceremony, with no words spoken over the deceased, and was all over within minutes. As people drifted away the two gravediggers began to back fill the grave watched over by Number 6.

    Two days had passed when the silver grey Alouette cleared the hills approaching The Village. Number 2 was in his office when the yellow ‘L’ shaped telephone began to bleep. It was the Supervisor alerting Number 2 to the arrival off the helicopter, which was now flying over the estuary. A taxi was parked at the foot of the steps leading up to the Green Dome, Number 2 climbed aboard and was driven to the lawn by the sea wall as the helicopter was landing. As the taxi approached the Town Hall Number 2 told the driver to stop. The taxi came to a halt by a pair of turquoise gates.


    “What do you want now, I thought our business had been concluded?” Number 6 said.
    “Seeing as you were so helpful to me I thought you might like to rekindle your acquaintance” Number 2 told him with a knowing smile on his face.

    “Might as well, I’ve nothing else on for the moment!” Number 6 said  climbing into the back of the taxi.

    “Very good, drive on” Number 2 ordered.

    The driver released the handbrake, engaged first gear and drove off smoothly down to the bottom of the hill, turning left round to the lawn by the sea wall where the silver grey Alouette helicopter had just landed. As the rotor blades slowed two men in striped jerseys got out of a Mini-Moke  and stepping forward opened the cabin door of the helicopter. They, together with a Top Hat official who had been one passenger, helped the blind-folded second passenger out and to the ground. The taxi arrived, Number 2 and Number 6 alighted and walked towards the helicopter. The passenger, a woman, was held in security and the blindfold was removed.

   “Welcome back!” said Number 2.

    The woman, dressed in a well tailored navy blue business suit, and white blouse, her auburn hair cascading over her shoulders, looked at Number 2, and then about her.
   “I never thought to see this place again. Where is Number Thirty-eight, and what’s he doing here, to gloat?”
   “If you will come with us please” Number 2 said in a quiet voice and indicating the taxi.
   “Do you not realise who I am?”
   “May I remind you madam, that you are now no longer the warder, you are a prisoner. Yes, now come with us!” Number 2 said, it now being more of an order than a request.

    “Am I not to be treated with the respect deserving of an ex-Number Two?” she demanded.
    “No, you are here under investigation. Number Six has been briefly seconded to me on special assignment” Number 2 informed her.

    “But he is a prisoner!”

    “Takes one to know one!” Number 6 said with sarcasm and a wry smile.

    “I always thought that you would be the last to collaborate, but it is refreshing to see that you finally know which side your bread is buttered” smiled the ex-Number 2

    “I know which side is moist and which is dry if that is what you mean.”


    “Ha ha ha ha” she laughed “haven’t lost your sense of humour
    “No, but you might by the time this is over!” Number 2 said

indicating to the two guardians to take her way.

    “I take it that a cottage has been prepared for me” the ex-Number 2 asked.

    “No, after all you don’t need one. You are to be taken straight to the hospital, treatment has already been prescribed.”

    “There’s no accommodation for her?’ Number 6 asked climbing into the back seat of the taxi.

    “She is to be held in a place of security until her interrogation, if she’s found to be a murderess she won’t be around long enough to warrant a cottage” Number 2 said climbing into the taxi.

   The two taxis pulled away from the scene, and made their way up the street into The Village passed the Town Hall. One drove straight on through a large yellow arch towards the hospital. The second took a right-hand turn, round a corner and up towards the Green Dome.

    “She is already in prison, isn’t that enough?’ Number 6 asked with a feeling of concern, because to him something wasn’t quite right, and for the life of him he couldn’t think what.

    “She will be well taken care of” said Number 2.

   The taxi came to a stop at the foot of the steps leading up to the Green Dome, the two men alighted.

    “I take it you are carrying out the interrogation personally?” Number 6 asked.

    Number 2 began to mount the steps, he paused and turned and said “No, you are. Shall we say in my office in one hours time?”

    Number 6 watched Number 2 climb the steps up to the Green Dome, then turned and walked away. He had one short hour in which to act, it would have to be long enough as he quickly headed off to the Town Hall and hopefully a meeting with a certain Top Hat official Number 250. He was the only person likely to help him gain access to a laboratory as he needed to talk with two lab technicians.

    The next day, and an hour isn’t very long, especially when you are in a hurry. The pair of steel doors opened and Number 6 entered Number 2’s sanctum, he was sat waiting behind his desk, the ex-Number 2 was seated in a black leather chair flanked either side by two guardians.

    “Ah there you are Number Six. Thought you weren’t coming. We were just about to begin without you. But seeing as you are here now, perhaps you would like to begin the interrogation” Number 2 offered from the comfort of his chair.

    Number 6 walked smartly down the ramp, the steel doors closing solidly behind him, placing the proceedings in security.

    “I expect you are wondering, why you have been brought back to

The Village” Number 6 began, taking the role of inquisitor.


    “This is preposterous! Am I to be interviewed by this prisoner?” the ex-Number 2 demanded.

    “You are” Number 2 informed her brusquely.

    Number 6 continued “We have met previously, and you may object to my involvement. However I assure you that I, like Number Two, want nothing more than to get to the truth of the matter, one of conspiracy and murder!”

    Number 2 smiled with a warm feeling of satisfaction inside.

    “A conspiracy, here in The Village, who’s murder has been committed?” asked the ex-Number 2 rising up out of her chair.

    The two guardians each placing a hand on her shoulder eased her back in her chair.

    “I suppose it all began with Number Two” Number 6 beginning to enjoy himself “no not you madam, your predecessor” he said staring at the seated woman “his plan was to get me involved so as to give me some sort of goal in life. He wanted me to have a purpose within the community, that involved my looking after a young woman Number Nine, who was presented to me as a damsel in distress. Number Two saw to it that I would then take her under my wing and protect her. That is also what Number Nine wanted, my protection, and for a very good reason of her own.”

    “We know all this” Number 2 said “when do we get to the murder?”

    “Please humour me, all will become clear I assure you. After all we do want to get to the truth, don’t we?” Number 6 said to one and all.

    Number 2 motioned Number 6 to carry on.

    The woman looked at her successor “I remember that I once sat in that chair, am I now to sit in the dock as the accused!”

   “Indeed you are madam” Number 2 informed her “carry on Number Six if you would be so kind.”

    “You learned that Number Nine and I were to set to escape together, I became aware of this when I saw her leaving the Green Dome. In fact that was part of your plan, but Number 9, being a plant here in The Village was using me to help her escape. No doubt because of that you felt she had betrayed you, I would have thought having found her trussed up and gagged in my wardrobe might have dispelled that thought.”

    “Where is this line taking us Number Six?”

    “To the truth, if you allow it” retorted Number 6 sharply, turning to face down the man sitting in his chair.

    “The only betrayal at that time was my betrayal of Number Nine, because I was unaware of how desperate she was to escape. Behind the scenes an investigation was being carried out into Number Nine’s motivations, and for her it would soon have been to late” Number 6 stated then falling silent for effect.

    The woman looked at Number 6 “You escaped, or rather played at having escaped. You had the Observers……”

    “And you, tearing your hair out looking for me. I was eventually recaptured a good distance from The Village, but a long way off from making that home run. Which is a fine recommendation to your methods” Number 6 informed her, making a small bow in sarcastic appreciation.


    “I was originally brought here to clean up someone else’s mess” the ex-Number 2 told him..

    “Indeed, but there was something else was there not? The question of a ‘plant’ in The Village and you being the new Number Two were therefore charged with consulting the investigating Committee” Number 6 explained much to the astonishment of both Number 2 and his predecessor.

    “Stop!” Number 2 ordered rising out of his chair “you go too far. This is sensitive information, how did you get to hear of it?”

    “Being your assistant it gave me a certain authority. That authority seemed to mean something to some people in the Town Hall, even if it didn’t to you!” Number 6 informed him “I had the authority to gain access to certain information that affects both of you. I think we can continue, don’t you?”

    Number 2 had the sudden feeling that is had not been such a good idea to involve Number 6 after all!

    “So to cut to the quick, Number Nine was the plant. She had been busy working for The Village being given different assignments which she carried out to the best of her ability. All the time making notes and sketches, gathering information, which she made note of in a black leather note book which Number Two here seconded away. No doubt to be lost in the vast filing cabinets in ‘Records and Information.’ Number Nine was not murdered because she was thought to have betrayed you madam, but because it had been discovered that she was a plant” Number 6 stated, pacing back and forth looking at Number 2 and then to his predecessor.

    “When are you going to get to the murder? After all that is the purpose of why we are all here” Number 2 demanded.

    Number 6 stood silent, and put his hand into the pocket of his blazer and produced the Penny Farthing badge which he had found in the undergrowth below the Outlook, and studied it once more. He remembered his former feeling that something wasn’t quite right, and there it was staring him full in the face.

    “Have you seen this before?” Number 6 asked the ex-Number 2 handing her the badge sealed in its polythene bag.

    The woman turned it over in her hands “Where did you find it?”

    “In the undergrowth below the Outlook. Is it your badge?” Number 6 asked staring as Number 2 sat in cowering in his chair.

    Of course it isn’t her badge, she is no longer Number 2!” barked Number 2 from his chair.

    “It never was my badge, not even when I sat where he is today” the woman answered.

    “And how can you be so sure that this is not your badge. Please state your reply loudly so that everyone listening can hear” Number 6 advised her holding up the badge.


    “The badge you are holding up is termed as a positive badge, meaning a white disc with a black Penny Farthing. The badge I was

issued with was a negative badge, a black disc with a white Penny Farthing, and a white numeral instead of the usual red” answered the ex-Number 2 loud and clear for all to hear.

    "Then this badge must belong to you Number Two, would you not agree?” Number 6 asked approaching the desk, placing the badge before him.

    “Impossible, am I not wearing my own badge?” Number 2 demanded.

    “You are wearing ‘a’ badge.’ You told me that the pin of your badge broken, that it was in for repair. Well your badge was not repaired. I have it on good authority that you ordered a replacement as you had misplaced yours. Not misplaced, but lost when you pushed Number Nine over the Outlook to her death!”

    How dare you accuse me of…… how, how did you know?” Number 2 asked, who seemed on the verge of breaking down.

    “Your original badge had a left facing Penny Farthing. The replacement badge which you wear now, has a right facing Penny Farthing. Your original badge, you placed at the murder scene in an attempt to pin the blame on your predecessor. Not realising the mistake you were making.” was Number 6’s closing speech.

    Number 2 looked about him, then made a mad helter skelter dash up the ramp and out through the opening steel doors.

    “After him’” Number 6 ordered the two guardians.

    The new Number 2 picked up a yellow ‘L’ shaped telephone “Control Room please. Supervisor…….. Supervisor issue an Orange Alert.”

    The Supervisor seemed to recognise the voice “Who is this?”

    Number 6 looked at the woman and she smiled, then nodded “The new Number Two. My predecessor is the murderer of Number Nine, instigate Orange Alert immediately.”

    The Supervisor was quick to react, ordering Orange Alert, and from somewhere below the sea a segment of the white amorphous mass of the Guardian was released. Suddenly appearing balanced on the water spout of the fountain, the Guardian instantly grew to it’s optimum size.

    Number 2 ran out through the door of his former residence, down the stone steps and along the street with the two guardians close on his heels The white membranic mass of the Guardian rolled and bounded along the street towards the fleeing Number 2. There was nowhere for him to go but for the stone roof of the bandstand. Leaping up the three steps he was trapped. The Guardian bounded upwards after its prey emitting its blood curdling roar as it loomed forward at its victim. Number 2 screamed and screamed again, as he fell backwards over the edge of the parapet to his death on the stone paving below.


    The next day saw the funeral of Number 2. The brass band played,

and citizens turned out to attend, with their open black umbrellas

raised, as the cortege made its way through The Village to the graveyard on the beach. On the cliff the lone figure of Number 6 stood looking down at the cemetery. He had already paid his respects laying flowers at the grave of Number 9. Turning his back on the funeral he made his way back along the cliff top path to The Village and the Recreation Hall. He was already late for his weekly Judo practise.


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