Monday 7 February 2011

No.6 Dead In An Accident At Sea!

    During the Dance of the Dead, No.6 amended the contents of wallet in the dead man's pocket. And having done so, tied the corpse to a lifebelt and sent it drifting out to sea - thus sending a message of his existance to the outside world. The trouble is, the body was discovered, removed from the sea, and taken to the village mortuary. Now it becomes a case of "Waste not, want not," as the body of the dead man, possibly that of the former No.34, amended slightly, along with the contents of the wallet. So that now it is No.6 who has died in an accident at sea, and so to the outside world, No.6 is dead!...............But just a minute...If that's the case, why was no mention of this made in Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling by his fiancee Janet Portland, or her father Sir Charles Portland for whom No.6 worked in a previous life? Either the body was lost as sea, and the wallet in the corpse's pocket never found. Or it is a script error, the fact that No.6 was supposed to have died in an accident at sea, and this made known to the outside world, was simply forgotten by the time of the later episode!

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