Monday 7 February 2011

It's A Question Of Interpretation

    Is the tinned Village Food eaten by the supposed, two gun runners in Many Happy Returns, their own food, or that of No.6's, taken aboard from his raft? I suppose it all depends on whether or not you believe that these two men are actual gun runners. If not, then they are agents of the village, keeping track of No.6 aboard his raft. And in that case, they would already have been provisioned with tins of village food. If not, then the village food was that belonging to No.6.
   There is no proof that the two crewmen of that boat were actual gun runners, save for a crate of guns found by No.6 in one of the cabins. But that could have been simply put there for the benefit of either the television viewer, or No.6. And do not forget, that the gun runners boat is that of M.S. Polotska in Checkmate, "The Polotska is our ship" No.2 tells No.6. So at the end of the day, it all boils down to how you interpret the situation, and in what you believe
Be seeing you

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