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Tuesday 1 February 2011

Prismatic Reflection

     Who is Number One?
    Well that's an easy one - you might very well be number One. In fact everyone you know could be number One, and any number of people you know might very well want to be number One. But it's not so glamourous being number One you know. I mean look at number One in the village - all alone in that rocket for hours, days, and months on end. Not able to go out and about in the village, unless Cutris-No.12 was No.1...but we won't go there, otherwise I'll be led along a different village path altogether.
   But yes, we all want to be number One, top dog in our field. I mean take myself for example. I've become a leading authority on the Prisoner, but I'm not alone, there are others. But at least I am the first Prisonerologist, a title bestowed upon me, not by myself, but by a very good friend of mine. And for what it is worth, through research I have made new discoverories about the Prisoner series which no-one else has, and if I were still a member of Six of one, I've enough brand new material to fill one of their society magazines alone! But I'm not, and glad not to be, otherwise I'd simply be giving away the new information I have to others, to use. That's why I'm not putting my new findings into the public domain, not until I can get them published in a book. And when they are, that will make me number One in my particular field of expertise.
Be seeing you

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