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Saturday 5 March 2011

It's Inexplicable!

    No.2 always reports to a superior on the telephone, lets call him No.1 for the sake of argument. Because it's never really made clear that that is who No.2 is actually speaking to in any of the seventeen episodes of the Prisoner series, we only assume that it's No.1. And it's strange that out of all the No.2's, only two use that oversized red telephone to speak to his superior, No.2 of A B & C, The General, and Hammer Into Anvil.
   Now No.2 of Dance of the Dead is speaking with her superior on the telephone, as No.6 is shown having a shave in his bathroom, on the wall screen in No.2's office. Yet later in the episode, when the doctor-No.40 catches up with No.2 in the Town Hall just as she was going into a room in order to make her report. And later at the Dance of the Dead, it turns out that No.2 not only makes her reports, but also receives her instructions via a Teletype machine. So to whom is she reporting, and receiving her instructions in this way? And surely the termination order against Roland Walter Dutton should have come via the Teletype, and not some medical doctor, who suddenly appears out of a side room of the corridor in the Town Hall brandeshing a white envelope!
Be seeing you

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