Thursday 7 April 2011

Cartoon Corner

The Jailbird by Steve Matt 1992.


  1. Wow! Another cartoon I'd forgotten all about!

    There's loads more, cos I was producing them between 1986 - 1994. Unfortunately, my personal collection was thrown away 8 years ago when I wasn't looking...

    Many thanks, David!

    (The above cartoon was based on a subliminal shot of 4 Villagers apparently worshiping Rover towards the end of 'Free For All'.)

  2. Hello Steve,

    I've read all your recent comments regarding 'Cartoon Capers,' and I'm delighted to have inadvertently saved some of your cartoon strips for you. I say some, as I'll have to check to see if there are any I have not posted, and if that's the case I will post the rest for you and readers of my blog to enjoy.

    Kind regards
    Be seeing you
