Thursday 7 April 2011

Caught On Camera

No.6 dons the white coat and spectacles of No.116, to help disguise himself as he makes his way along a corridor in the Town Hall during the episode Dance of the Dead, trying each door as he goes along. But then No.20 emerges from a side room, and meets with No.16 and she assumes him to be who he looks like, a doctor. No.20 has an envelope for No.2, it contains a termination order, and No.2 must get it straight away. Now you would think, wouldn't you, that No.20 would be emerging from some Communications Room, a Cipher Room perhaps. But no, if you look into the room beyond the door, it is plain to see that No.20 emerges from nothing more than a simple electrical 'switch gear' room!      But just a minute. No.2 receives her instructions via a teletype in that elaborately decorated room, back along the corridor. So who issued the termination order on Roland Walter Dutton to No.2? I can only think that No.20 received the termination order because No.2 was at the Ball! Be seeing you.                                                                                                                    

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