Tuesday 5 April 2011

The John Drake Effect!

    What is the John Drake effect? Well in certain episodes of Danger Man, John Drake would sometimes wear spectacles when he was taking on a different personna, the spectacles changing his facial look if you see what I mean. But the trick is, for example in the episodes Colony Three, and Say It With Flowers, the lenses of the spectacles worn by John Drake were simply plain glass. In the above picture, taken from the episode Dance of the Dead, No.6 is making a search of a corridor in The Town Hall. To aid him, he has donned the white coat of a doctor-No.116, and finding a pair of spectacles in the breast pocket, No.6 has attempted to alter his facial appearance, as John Drake used to do. No, I am not back on the No.6 is John Drake trail, no not this time. But the question is, how can No.6 actually read the termination order in his hand, whilst wearing someone elses perscription spectacles? Well obvious;ly he couldn't, unless they are extremely mild reading glasses. No, it is more likely that the spectacles No.6 found in the breast pocket of the white coat, are actually Patrick McGoohan's own. So no real mystery here, simply an observation.          Be seeing you

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