Tuesday 5 April 2011

Thought For The Day

If the American Wild West town of Harmony, along with the towns population, and everything that happened to No.6 during the episode Living In Harmony is all in No.6's mind - why the need for cardboard cut-outs? Perhaps the cardboard cut-outs of both the Judge and the Kid were there to confuse No.6 if he should wake up from the fantasy he has been living. But if that's the case, where are the three cut-outs of the Judges men who No.6 killed in the shoot-out of the Silver Dollar Saloon, to make no mention of Cathy who the Kid stangled to death, the cardboard cut-out of whom should have been lying on the floor of the Saloon when No.6 woke up from his fantasy!
And finally...................how did No.6 and the Judges 'boys' ride cardboard cut-out horses? Well the plain and simple fact of the matter is, they didn't. Although to the television viewer of No.6's fantasy, it appeared that they were actually riding horses. But think for a moment how such scenes would look, when No.6 and the Judges men were riding horses, within the 'role playing' fantasy of Living In Harmony. To do that, all you have to do is think back how children would ride an imaginary horse......by running along, holding imaginary reins, and slapping their thigh. Now picture in your minds eye, No.6, and the Judges'boys' running along, and slapping their thighs as they ride along on their horses!                                            Be seeing you.

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