Tuesday 10 May 2011

Black Cats And Broken Crockery!

    It has often been questioned how can a cat break a cup and saucer? Well the obvious answer is, it couldn't, but then that is not the point. The point is, the cup and saucer were broken in order to make No.6 think, just as he was casting off his sea-going raft, that the game was up! So, if the cat couldn't possibly have broken the cup and saucer, and No.6 didn't do it, then it means that there was someone out and about in the Village other than No.6.
    Two further points, one being the training of the black cat. Because although the cup and saucer were smashed, it didn't scare the cat off! And all that time that the Prisoner was away from the Village, and upon his unceremonious return there, the black cat is still sat in the exact same place, as is the broken cup and saucer! Well all had to be as it was on the day the Prisoner cast off on his long sea voyage. Yes, everything must appear exactly the same in the deserted village, just as it was on the day of the Prisoner's departure, for effect you understand. But really, would that have had to include the cat? I have had to to ask myself, how did they do it? To get the cat to just sit there like that, and for so long! No, not all the time the Prisoner was away from the Village, but while he was descending to the ground on the end of his parachute!  Be seeing you

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