Tuesday 10 May 2011

The Unsuspecting No.6!

    During The Chimes of Big Ben, No.6 never once asked how Nadia-No.8 was able to contact her contact man, who was waiting in that cave on the coast of Lithuania for her. I mean, did No.6 think that the contact man was waiting in that cave just on the off chance that Nadia would be able to escape the Village?
    Of course Nadia's contact man in the cave was actually Post 5, whom No.2 had the Supervisor-No.28 contact, after issuing an Orange alert. And the truth of the matter is I suppose, No.6 was in all too much of a hurry to escape the Village, that there was no time for him to think of the situation at the time.
   Although it was all of a set up, with the Colonel and Fortheringay, No.6 did learn one valuable lesson, that the Village is in the same time zone as England. Meaning that Polish time is one hour different, but that the watch belonging to Nadia's contact man, or Post 5 working for the Village, had the same time as London time - eight O'clock!   I'll be seeing you

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