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Wednesday 4 May 2011

Thought For The Day

    During their deliberations of Once Upon A Time, role-playing judge and Prisoner, the Prisoner tells the Judge he was rebelling. That he was rebelling against the figures, and that must have made living in the Village a living nightmare for the Prisoner, where everyone is known only by their number. It's no wonder No.6 only wore his badge when it suited him!
    It makes you think though, doesn't it? I mean just how many times has the operation known as 'Decree Absolute' been undertaken? How many Prisoner's previous to No.6 have made it thus far? Possibly more than once, because the first person in the Embryo Room is the Butler, who certainly knows what's about to take place, because he doesn't need to be told. On the other hand, perhaps No.6 is the first Prisoner to have survived all the previous tests, the first Prisoner to make it into the Embryo Room, and therefore No.2 would have had briefed the Butler as far as 'Decree Absolute' is concerned, and what his involvement would be.

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