Friday 10 June 2011

60 Second Interview With The Butler

    A loyal man-servant, personal gentleman's gentleman {a Valet} who serves without question, no matter who Number Two might be at the time.......with one exception.

No.113 'There was a time when a new No.2 arrived in the Village with her own house-maid. That was Mrs Butterworth, and Martha her house-maid. Perhaps you could tell the readers how you felt about that, and what effect it had upon you.
{The Butler simply shrugged his shoulders}
'A strong willed woman this Martha, formidable it might even be said. How did you get along with her?
{The Butler simply winces at the memory}
'It wouldn't have gione down well with you I expect. This woman moving into your kitchen........'
{Again the Butler winces at the memory}
'..................Oh, she moved into the annexe of the Green Dome, and you had to find other accommodatuion.'
{The Butler nodded slowly, with a painful expression on his face}
'So you were not allowed to serve the new No.2, and had to move out of your comfortable home, just because of Martha.'
{The Butler nodded, then made a strangling motion with his leather gloved hands, as though round a particular persons throat}
'And then there was the second time you were mistreated, sacked from your job, and told to get out of the house. Could you tell the readers soemthing about how you felt betrayed by No.2 at that time?'
No.113b 'Smile' {click goes the camera}
{The Butler thinks for a moment, makes to speak, but suddenly the thought is gone.}
'Well that's very interesting............ But I should think you could see that coming, with No.2 I mean. His every growing paranoia of the enemy within the Village..........In the way No.2 felt he could not trust   anyone.........that he eventually turned on you................You must have realised that sooner or later, there would be a new No.2 arriving.'
{The Butler scratches his head and purses his lips}
'Well this interview has been  most enlightening. But tell me, it was you on the end of the telephone in A B & C who had informed No.2 that No.6 had come to see him, wasn't it...........and that means that you can speak, should you wish to do so..................................?'
{The Butler raises an eybrow, then looks as though he is about to speak, to give a final comment, but doesn't.}
'Well I can see that any secret is safe with you my friend. A very revealing interview for the reader I must say.'
{It was at this point that the Butler butled off, and returned with a tea-tray, serving me with tea and cakes}.

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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