Friday 10 June 2011

KAR 120B

   No, it's not a stunt, false number plate, or anything else on those lines - this is KAR 120B. Oh look! There's the Village Guardian in the background.

   I recall that this car was on sale on Ebay a few years ago, and I kept these pictures because of the number plate.

   What was the opening bid? Did the car sell? And if it did, how much did it sell for?  Sorry, but I cannot remember.

   Is the car the original Lotus KAR 120B? The number plate is clearly original, but it is not clear that the car is original from 1964. Although with the number plate positioned where it is, there would be no nasty over-heating which Mrs Butterworth said she suffered in traffic.



  1. Replies
    1. Hello,
      Interesting. I take it you were, still are a Prisoner enthusiast. Could you tell me a little about the car, I would be interested to know.

      Be Seeing you
