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Wednesday 8 June 2011

Orbit Tubes 2 - 48 - ?

                                                           This is Orbit Tube 48.
                                                                     This is Orbit Tube 2
                               And this is Orbit Tube........? Well it's unsure who this tube is for, as it's unumbered. But my guess it's either for No.1, or Sir, the former No.6. What are these Orbit Tubes? Well the first time I saw anything like them was in the Space Ship the Jupitor II in the 1960's television series Lost In Space. There were five perspex tubes aboard the Jupitor II, one for each of the Robinson family. The tubes being for the suspended animation of life during long space voyages. So, is this what the three Orbit Tubes are meant for, the suspended animation of life for a long space voyage? It is the only interpretation that I can put on them.

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