Sunday 10 July 2011

Mind Transference

    Okay, in Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling it's possible to transfer the mind of two people, spies for example. What if an exchange of spies took place and if the one whaich was returned had the mind of their choosing, they would able to break the security of any nation. That spy then gathers information, is returned to the Village, the information in his head extracted, then all unhappy memories of the Village are wiped from his mind, and put back into circulation to acquire more information. Well that's all find and dandy, but what happens to the other chap whose mind is not his own, what's he supposed to been doing all this time? And don't forget, if this mind transference can be done to one pair of subjects, the operation can be repeated on serveal subjects, leaving half of them with wrongly housed minds!     BCNU

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