Sunday 10 July 2011

A Termination Order!

    This is a copy of a termination order, it has upon it a name, that name is - Roland Walter Dutton, and it appears in the Prisoner episode Dance of the Dead.  Mistakenly it is given to No.6, who himself is mistaken for a doctor as he's wearing a white coat at the time, whilst making a search of the Town Hall on the night of the Ball.
    A doctor emerges from a side room, and asks if the doctor {No.6} has seen No.2. No.6 tells the doctor that he'll be seeing her, and is handed a white envelope, it's a termination order, No.2 must get it immediately, 'Right away' No.6 tells her.
    Now I cannot think that No.6 was meant to see the termination order, but he opens the envelope, and reads the name upon it, Roland Walter Dutton, and in that lies the mistake!
    As No.6 calls for a character witness to say the things that need to be said, Nero, one of the three Judges at the trial of No.6, states that no names are used in the Village. Well if that is the case, then why has someone used Roland Walter Dutton's name on the termination order? Surely if no names are used in the Village, the termination order should have had Dutton's number upon it, No.42, like the following example.
  As previously stated, I cannot imagine that No.6 was supposed to have seen the termination order, after all he was in that corridor, at that specific moment by accident, but I suspect that the television viewer was supposed to see it, and so the name was used for the benefit of the television viewer, whom I suspect would not have necessarily known that Roland Walter Dutton's number was 42, and so the television viewer knew for whom the termination order was against. But I have to say, that in a Village where names are not supposed to be used, although there are occasions when names are used, it was something of a puzzlement why Roland Walter Dutton's name was used on the termination order and not simply his number, seeing as how it is an official document.  
Be seeing you.

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