Saturday 9 July 2011

Playing Second Fiddle!

   If 2 is only second to the power of 1, then No.14, that's him on the left, then he can understand that, as he plays second fiddle to No.2! Not that every No.2 is in need an such assistant, it all depends on their abilty. No.2 of Hammer Into Anvil seems to have a great deal on his plate, trying to get No.73 to tell him where her husband is. Then there are the enemies, and conspiracies in the Village to deal with, to make nothing of No.6's interference!
    No.14 can be a well meaning thug, who clearly wants to get on, and sees himself being promoted one day, perhaps even to the position of No.2. He is utterly dependant, fiercely loyal, and obedient. He is always on call, and always tries to give a good impression, like the time No.2 was about to leave the office, and No.14 was slumbering in the armchair in the foyer. The moment he heard the steel doors of No.2's office open, he jumped up out of the chair, adjusted his blazer and quickly stood at attention, as though he had been standing there waiting, all the time. My god, the man's a right crawler, and he's not fooling anyone!
    No.14 is a man who only wants to help No.2. He wants to be trusted, but No.2 keeps cutting him out, and spurns his advice when he gives it. He wants to see No.6 brought to heel, but clearly he falls short of his own abilities when it comes to giving No.6 a good 'dusting down.' But he is intelligent, he can see that it's No.6 putting the poison in, and tries to get his superior to see this. What's more, seeing that his masters hands are tied when it comes to dealing with No.6, he volunteers to cause No.6 to have an accident, one that No.2 could not be linked to. If anyone could have stopped No.6's little game, then it was No.14, who turned out to be as weak as his master!
    But in the end, No.2 turns on No.14, calling him a traitor! He'd been seen talking to No.6 at the cafe, and saw this as working with No.6 and against him! If only No.2 had placed his trust more in No.14, and then No.6 would have failed in his revenge against No.2. In the end No.14 rushes out of the Green Dome, to have it out with No.6 in his cottage. Once again it is No.6 who gives No.14 a good 'dusting down,' and sees to it that he leaves his cottage.......though the French door, taking the balcony railings with him! What happened to No.14? Well I can only surmise that on his way through the French door, he broke his neck on landing.    
    Although it's an inexplicable thing, but No.22of It's Your Funeral, pictured below, has the look of No.14 about him. what's more, No.22 is dressed identically to No.14.
      I had wondered if the characters 14 by Basil Hoskins and 22 by Mark Burns, are supposed to be the same, certainly they are similar to the eye, along with their physique, if not their mental character and numbers. But  perhaps, when all things are 'done and dusted,' the only reason for my thinking that the two characters of No.14 and No.22 being one and the same, is simply because of their similarity to one another, the way they dress, plus the fact that Mark Burns appears as 22, but looking like 14 in the following episode after Hammer Into Anvil, It's Your Funeral.  I'll be seeing you.

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