Saturday 9 July 2011

Why 6?

  Patrick McGoohan explained that it was because 6 is the only number when turned upside down, becomes another number........ Well that's all fine and dandy, but what about 9, or 99, 666, and 999? Either McGoohan hadn't thought about it quite enough, was having a laugh, or was trying to be too clever for his own good!     Be seeing you.


  1. Not 2 mention Number One...... ;-D

  2. Hello Moor Larkin,
    I found your comment a rather witty one. But it has to be said that 'one' doesn't enter into it. Becasue even if you write number 1 as a simple stroke of the pen and turn it upside down, it doesn't change, it is still number 1. Nice try though.


  3. Hello David

    If you consider that '6' comes before '9' then it is '6' that gains primacy of being THE number of which all the others are dependent upon to 'become' anything else ... or any combination there of.

    After all if The Village could convert No.6 into just No.6, and remain happy as that number then 'they' win .... as Mr. McGoohan has stated in Troyer.

    So perhaps he did think it through or t'ink it through as Mr. McGoohan might say.


    Mr. Anonymous

  4. Hello Mister Anonymous,

    Yes, but the same can be said of '66.' As for McGoohan thinking it through, well he would, as he was always good at figures!


  5. If you consider that '6' comes before '9' then it is '6' that gains primacy of being THE number of which all the others are dependent upon to 'become' anything else ... or any combination there of.

    Hello David

    66 still follows 6, thus '6' still has primacy.

    Of interest is that Mr. McGoohan ( and his wife) would have traveled on the famous Route 66, the Mother Road, in their travel to the US on vacation when visiting the Grand Canyon in 1965. They would repeat this during McGoohan's stay in New Mexico when the family first moved to the US.



  6. Hi Mister Anonymous,

    In other words '6' is capable of becoming something else, something lesser or greater than itself, depending on how you look at it. 6 is a primary number, but Number One is still the boss. In numberology 6 described as being uniform, perfection, wholeness, imperfection of man. Imperfect is just about as how I'd describe No.6, there's nothing uniform about him save for his attire in the Village. He is not perfection, nor is there a wholeness about him.

    When is comes to roads, I can assume you know McGoohan had a much earlier and closer connection to a '6' road long before the possibilty of driving along Route 66. The four years he spent attending a Boarding school is situated on the '6 Hills Road' in Leicesterhsire here in England.

