Saturday 6 August 2011

Death Is An Escape!

    No.73 was brought to the Village because 'they' could not find her husband, and presumed that put under a certain amount of pressure, she would tell them. However, she is still loyal to her husband, dispite the woman Mariah, and refuses to tell No.2.
    No.2 who has just about had enough, suddenly turns on 73, and is about to show the sadistic side to his nature, just as No.6 bursts into the hospital room. It is at this point that 73 leaps put of bed, and hurls herself out of the window. No.2 tells No.6 that he will pay for this, to which No.6 replies 'No, you will.'
   No.6, and perhaps many fans, blame No.2 for the suicide of No.73. Well it was not the first time 73 has tried to kill herself, the last time was by slashing her wrists.
   No.2 may well have frightened and threatened 73, but the plain simple fact is, No.2 never laid a hand on 73. As I see it, it was as No.6 burst into the hospital room, and the sight of him, that drove 73 to suddenly leap out of bed, and hurl herself out of the window!
   Be seeing you

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