Saturday 6 August 2011

Caught In A Maze!

    Originally this episode was to have been a 90 minute feature episode of the Prisoner. However dramatic cuts were made to the original script, and the episode was chopped to the regular 50 minutes. So what was contained in those cuts? Well some three and a half pages, of an entirely self contained scene was scrapped, from the point where Mister X was in the boxing ring of Barney's Boxing Booth where the Polish giant Killer Kaminski had told him to go to the Tunnel of Love. Originally Mister X was told to go to Hampton Court Maze. Mister X quickly finds the maze, and the following bizaare sequence unfolds.
    Mister X meets with a jovial showman wearing a wasitcoat and bowler hat, standing at the entrance to the maze, who is mumbling something incoherant and then he laughs to himself. Mister X enters the maze which looks innocent enough, but he is not prepared for what he is about to encounter around the next corner.
    The maze is suddenly replaced by a tropical rainforest. The air is filled with exotic bird song and wild screeches. It is not long before Miater X is attacked by a New Guinean head hunter brandishing a machette. But Mister X makes short work of the native, disarming him of the machette in the process.
    Continuing his exploration of the rainforest, he is stopped dead in his tracks by the roar of a lion, which turns out to be a Tabby cat. Now deeper into the rainforest Mister X is intructed by a passing parrot to turn thirty degrees left. With nothing to lose Mister X follows the parrots intruction, only to find himself back in the maze!
    Mister X continues to tread carefully paying little attention to the gardener spraying insecticide onto the mazes well tended hedges. As Mister X draws closer the gardener, dressed in grey overalls with two metal canisters strapped on his back, the one labelled insecticide, the other homicide! The Gardener tries to spray Mister X, but using the machette he took from the native in the rainforest, he knocks his assailant to the ground and piercing one of the tanks strapped to the gardeners back, sends him shooting off into the distance like a rocket!
    After regaining his composure, Mister X encounters someone standing over him, a figure of some twelve feet tall, it is in fact a man with a painted face of a clown, wearing a top hat and tails, on stilts, and armed with a sub-machine gun! Mister X picks himself up and a chase ensues through the maze, as he ducks and dives to escape the hail of bullets fired from the sub-machine gun, as the stilted walker uses his elevated height to trap his quarrie. Before long Mister X stumbles into the centre of the maze where he finds suitable cover to hide from his pursuer. Unable to locate his quarrie, the stilted man is unaware of what is happening to his feet, as Mister X ties the mans shoelaces together, causing the stilt walker to come toppling to the ground.
    Now desperate to leave the maze, Mister X hacks his way through the hedge using the machette, and finds himself back in the fairground where he is told off by a disapproving mother. The little boy she has in tow with her is holding a balloon on which a message directs Mister X to the Tunnel of Love. The balloon suddenly explodes........BANG!
    The above is an interesting scene, and would have been visually exciting. But perhaps it would have been one scene too far for The Girl Who was Death!   Be seeing you

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