Saturday 3 September 2011

Good Old Fashioned Brute Force

    Good old fashioned brute force isn't quite as effective as No.6 might think. Okay, it worked for a while against No.2 in Checkmate, when he orderd his men to tie him up. But on the morning of the day of his arrival in the Village, when the Prisoner was getting annoyed by the constant piped music being played through a black loudspeaker, he stamps on the loudspeaker time and time again, in order to smash it to pieces under foot. But then brute force was not so effective, becasue yet the loudspeaker smashed to bits, the music continued to play. And much was the same effect when in Dance of the Dead, when No.6 upon discovering that Teleprinter, he ripped out the wiring and roll of paper. Yet at the end, the Teleprinter whirred back into life, despite No.6's act of brute force to sabotage the machine! And again, in Checkmate, when No.6 was aboard MS Polotska, finding out that the Rook had casued the failure of the ecsape attempt, he picks up an ashtray and hurls it at the television set. Despite the television screen and tube having been destroyed by No.6, No.2 could still see what was happening on-board the Polotska - through the television set!
    It would seem that 'Good old fashioned brute force' will avail No.6 nothing, against man or machine!
Be seeing you.

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