Saturday 3 September 2011

Thought For The Day

    A clue from a crossword last night - 4 across accomplishment of an objective.    Answer - arrival.

    That got me thinking. The mind was in a whirl, as I rwached for pen and paper. well that just migt be spomething of an exageration. But just how true was the Prisoner's resignation? Might it not have been a case of deception, in order to decieve others from taking swift and immediate action, in having the Prisoner abducted to the Village? In this the Prisoner manages to infiltrate the Village, effectively making No.6 a plant! Well it wouldn't be the first time that an agent has been thrown out of soemthing, rssigned for no good reason to accomplish an objective. In this case the objective being the Prisoner's 'Arrival' in the Village. To put the Village, and it's administration to 'the test.' And in the case of the Colonel and Fotheringay, to winkle out the spies and traitors, who would appear to have been replaced by the time of Many Happy Returns, by another Colonel and Thorpe. But of course that would depend on the British being behind the running of the Village. In the case of a foriegn power running the Village, the objective would be almost the same, arrival in the Village, and try to bring it down from within, as in Fall Out!
Be seeing you

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