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Friday 2 September 2011

The Jester At Court!

    It was Roland Walter Dutton who wore the Court Jester's attire at the Prisoner's trial during the Ball in Dance of the Dead, but we're not writing about him at this time, no, I mean that other Court Jester - No.48!
    In Fall Out Court is once again convened, for the trial of three rebels. No.48 wears funny clothes, a bell about his neck which he frequently rings. He's not partictulalry funny, although he's amusing, he sings, dances and prances about, certainly the Delgates of the Assembly find him entertaining. But No.48 is not the only entertainer at Court, there's the 'late' No.2 whose opening line to the members of the Assembly is.............'My Lords, Ladies and Gentlemen....a most extraordinery thing happened to me on my way..... here....ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,!' It's all a bit of a Pantomime really Fall Out, of the former Prisoner No.6, oh he's not at all funny. Not slightly amusing, or entertaing for that matter......but he does, in his own way........want to bring the house down!    BCNU

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