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Monday 5 September 2011

A Quantum Leap Too Far!

    There he was, just having resigned his top secret, confidential job, or perhaps on the very day he was due to resign, the Prisoner woke up a new man!
   The Prisoner has been interrogated, conditioned, pumped full of a variety of drugs, and then one day, he turns up in his London home, as someone else - the Colonel!
   If anything, this situation in Do Not Forsake Me is akin to the situations in which Sam Becket would find himself in - his mind in someone elses body - in the television series Quantum Leap. Sam Becket using Quantum Leap to put his mind in someone elses body. What's more its just as dangerous for the Prisoner, because if Professor Seltzman hasn't found the reversal process, the Prisoner would remain as the Colonel for the rest of his life!
Be seeing you.

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