Friday 30 September 2011

Thought For The Day

    The thing about the Prisoner is, that there is always going to be something which remains a puzzlement, for example where did No.2 think No.6 had got a bomb from in the first place? If he thought that it was in the Cuckoo clock, which was one of several "special" imports, then security in the Village wasn't as tight as No.2 wanted it to be. Its no wonder he called for an increase in vigilance. But again, what was it that originally happened in the Village, for No.2 to think that enemies against the Village were in their midst?  Yet when you think about it, the Administration bring people into the Village, those abducted there as in the case of No.6, who is top of the list of malcontents, who would not be happy about it, and not only rebel, but work against the Village. If there are enemies in the Village, the administration brought them there in the first place!

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