Saturday 1 October 2011

Caught On Camera

    During Dance of the Dead while be begins to make a search of the Town Hall, to alter his appearance, No.6, dons a white coat, and the spectacles he finds in the breast pocket. Now this is a very curious thing, because John Drake would use spectacles to alter his appearance on occasion, such spectacles had plain glass of course. So is that the case here? Because No.6 seems very much at home wearing those spectacles, he can see plain, and plain enough to be able to read that termination order, despite wearing someone elses spectacles! But of course these glasses are in fact Patrick McGoohan's own, otherwise why should someone else have spectacles with plain glass lenses?
   These spectacles on the other hand, seen on the right, are not Patrick McGoohan's own spectacles. and apart from the episode Dance of the Dead, when did you see No.6 wearing spectacles, oh yes, in  Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. So it appears that the Prisoner does need to wear spectacles, if only to make use of two different coloured lenses. But these spectacles are not those of McGoohan, he would never wear National Health glasses such as these! No, surely these belong to Nigel Stock, who is playing the role of No.6.
 Fictionally speaking, if the Prisoner wears glasses only occasionally, does that mean that this pair also have plain glass lenses? Well no, not if they are actually Nigel Stock's spectacles it doesn't. And how do I know they are National Health glasses? That's simple, because of the clear glass frames.

Be seeing you

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