Thursday 20 October 2011

60 Second Interview With John Drake

No.113: I'm here on the cricket field today to interview a man who is seen by some fans, to be at the very heart of the 1960's television series the Prisoner, John Drake, whose very name has caused much controversey over the years 'Just a minute, you're not John Drake!'
John Drake 'Well who did you imagine me to be?'
'Well someone completely different really.'
'Look are you here to talk, or play cricket?'
No.113b 'Smile.'

No.113 'We came here, my photographic colleague and I to interview John Drake.'
John Drake 'Well get on with it, and be quick, we are in the middle of an over you know.'
'Let me ask you, have you ever been a member of security NATO?'
'Or M9?'
'M9, what's that? Oh I was a member of the R.S.C for a time.'
'Is that affiliated to the M.C.C. at all?'
'And you play cricket?'
'Yes. I'm a spin bowler.'
'You're not a secret agent then?'
'Are you mad?'
'But you are John Drake?'
'Yes, always have been. Look, can we get on with this over?'
'Do you know anything about exploding cricket balls?'
'What do you think I am, some sort of anarchist?'
'You certainly bowled Colonel Hawke-Englishe a googly!'
'Somebody switched the cricket balls, cost us the match that!'
'And the Colonel his life.'
'Made a right mess of the wicket!'
'I can imagine!'
'Look are we going to stand about here all day.........'
'That's what they've done on the boundry all morning!'
'Look, just get into the slips, I generally get a catch off a short ball....'
'That balls not ticking is it?'
{Drake puts the cricket ball to an ear}
{Drake counts out his paces, turns and makes his run, bowls over the wicket}

Reporter No.113
Photographer No.113b

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