Thursday 20 October 2011

It's Your Funeral!

    How ridiculous is the plot behind the assassination/execution of the retiring No.2? I mean there is no real apparent reason to involve No.6 at all. An interim No.2, the so called heir presumptive, said that it was a matter of credibility to involve No.6, without which the plan might backfire, well it did backfire!
   If they had not involved No.6 in the plot, then the assassination of the retiring No.2 would have gone along smoothly, there would have been no problem. It seems to me that No.1 is very keen on over complicating events, and by involving No.6 it seems almost like another test, to see if he can prevent the assassination/execution of the retiring No.2!   Be seeing you.


  1. Hello David

    One suggestion was that No.1 wanted to pit a Young vrs Old Lion and kill two birds with one stone and further discredit No.6 as was done in Free for All (ignore the new mad man in the Green Dome shouting you are FREE;-))


    Mr. Anonymous

  2. Hello Mr. Anonymous,

    Well that's one way of looking at it, and as good a possible explanation as any.

    One other thing about 'It's Your Funeral,'I've found to be extremely odd about the retiring No.2, and that he had been away from the Village on leave, at least three interim No.2's had served in his leave of absence. So did No.2 simply return to the Village to retire, or was he told he was up for retirement upon his return?

    As Ever

  3. Hello David

    It would seem that he HAD to return, given the importance placed on the transference of The Village medallion.

    Tomblin is quoted as saying originally there was to be only one No.2 through out the series ( perhaps when it was thought of as only 7 episodes) so perhaps this powerful but soon to be late No.2 was that figure.

    If you can't resign I assume you can't retire ... except to the 'old folks home' ... or The Village graveyard.


    Mr Anonymous

  4. Hello Mister Anonymous,

    Ah yes, the 'Great Seal of Office' always worn by No.2 at official it's not! No.2 didn't wear it for the dissolution of the out-going Council in 'Free For All.' Sometimes I think the scriptwriters were making it all up as they went along, and for that 'the Prisoner' does suffer from the lack of continuity between the episodes.

    That's quite right, it was suggested that there was to have been just one Number 2 throughout the entire series of 'the Prisoner,' and it was suggested by Derren Nesbitt {new No.2 of 'It's Your Funeral'} in a brief interview with him, that the idea was that he was to have been No.2 throughout the entire series. Not sure that would have worked. Mind you, Peter Wyngarde also said that 'he' was to have been No.2 all through the series. If there was to have been but one No.2 in the series, well to my mind Leo McKern would have been a better man for the task.

    Yes, that's just the point of the thing. When No.6 is shown the Old People's Home on the morning of his arrival as part of the tour of the Village, No.2 is showing the Prisoner that he's there for life, and that if he lives long enough he'll also be retired to the Old People's Home, gracefully or not! Perhaps the escaping No.2 thought that sooner or later they would catch up with him, so why make it worse for himself, when he can live out the rest of his life in the relative comfort of the Old People's Home!

