Thursday 27 October 2011

Collectors Corner

     I was out and about town just the other day, and as I often do I went into a local charity shop, and amongst the books on a shelf I found the above book. It never was a big seller, published in 2002 by Carlton Books, soon after which I came across a huge pile of them in a bargain book shop, at a price of 99p per copy. Yes, however poor the three novels which go to make up this omnibus are, I purchased the volume for £1. Well I couldn't resist giving the book a new home.
    I suppose I was feeling a little nostalgic yesterday, as in the afternoon I took time out to have a read of the third novel in the above onmibus, A day In The Life by Hank Stine, I hadn't realised just how poor this novel is. When I first read the novel, back in the 1980's, I enjoyed it, well at the time I only had the three novels based on the Prisoner to help keep me in mind of the series. But now, after reading a few pages of A Day In The life, I had to close the book, and place it back on the shelf.      Be seeing you

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