Thursday 27 October 2011

Heroes And Villains

   Cobb doesn't know how he arrived in the Village, he was in Germany, he went back to his hotel, he thinks he went to bed, he was in the Village! Nor does Cobb know how long he's been in the Village, as it's difficult to tell. But one thing is clear, Cobb was not intended to meet up with an old colleague like the Prisoner! That's why Cobb's death was faked, so that to the Prisoner Cobb is now dead!
    Cobb has new masters, although these new masters are never named, we can only assume he is now working for the Village in whatever capacity.
   I find it quite remarkable, that one minute Cobb's in hospital, after undergoing long interrogation sessions and possibly some for medical experimentation, along with the use of drugs, in order to get Cobb to tell them all he knows. And then a day later he is fit and well, and ready to take up his position again in London, which must surely be a tribute to their methods. Cobb is a traitor. He's gone over to whatever side or governmental department is behind the Village. But Cobb is not going behind the Iron Curtain, as he's dressed for the City, the City of Westminster!
Be seeing you.

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