Saturday 15 October 2011

Dance Of The Dead

    This is perhaps the most difficult episode to take literally. The Prisoner is sentenced to death for the possession of a radio, none of the Judges seemed bothered as how he gained possession of such a thing, and his defender offers no defence for this, ie the dead body in the mortuary, and the sentence to be carried out by the people in the name of justice. It looked more like mob rule to me. No wonder No.6 ran for his life, the people looked as though they would have torn him apart if they had laid hands upon him!
   In a room into which the people would never see, the Prisoner finds a teleptye, and duly rips out the wiring and paper, and the machine dies. Yet having ripped the guts out of the machine, it soon whirrs back into life and goes on to print the incoming message or instruction for No.2. The death sentence against No.6 is not carried out, well that was only to be expected, wasn't it? No.240 is no longer his observer. No.6 tells No.2 that she never win, who tells No.6 'How very uncomfortable for you old chap.' How can things ever be normal for the Prisoner again after this? The answer is simple, it can't. Things can only get worse!      Be seeing you.

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