Saturday 15 October 2011

Thought For The Day

    It was suggested to me by my wife Morag, who is also a fan of the Prisoner, both series, that if 93 is the former No.6 in THEPRIS6NER, then perhaps he wasn't so important to the Village administration as he once was, well fourty-three years on he wouldn't be, after all he had turned into a drunken old man {can't guess to whom that was alluding}. What's more it would seem that the Village, the new Village, has given up on non-alcoholic drinks! Perhaps because a friend of mine said in a recent email, alcohol is the best truth drug! So that's what happened to No.6......they plied him with alcohol to make him talk, and turned him into a drunken old man, an alcoholic.....a sad end to a once man of steel.
Be seeing you.

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