Monday 31 October 2011

Happy Halloween

        Happy All Hallows Eve from the Village. A night not to be out and about, but a night to retire to your bed chamber, to say your prayers. Ignore that scratching at the door, but wait.............. what is that tap-tap-tapping on the window pane? Tis but the twig of a branch of a tree...... but is it? Are you sure it is nothing more? Can you be sure? Dare you leave the warmth and security of your bed to look........ Oh god it's in through the open window, the curtains part, there is a sudden smell of mould, of earth, of the grave. All you can do is hide beneath the sheets. You dare not look out for fear of seeing 'it'. 'It' that has long since been dead, its hands with long tapering bones reach for the bed sheets, which your fingers grip in a vice like grip. But suddenly the bed sheets are pulled away and 'it' stands there looking down at is a horrid sight to look upon, the long dead corpse that lies there in its bed!

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