Monday 31 October 2011

The Therapy Zone

I’m Not An Inmate!

     But once upon a time he had been, this No.2. A once established, successful, and secure member of the establishment, who turning upon and biting the hand that feeds him.
   He had been like the Prisoner-No.6, having once been abducted to the village. Because it was his lot in the past, to wield a not inconsiderable power, ay, he had had the ear of statesmen, Kings and Princes of many lands. Governments have been swayed, policies defined and revolutions nipped in the bud at a word from him in the right place and at a propitious time.
   Not surprising therefore that one day he should find himself abducted and wake up amongst those in the village. But what No.2 did find deplorable, is that he had resisted for so short a time. And this he sees as being a tribute to their methods. He also thanks the assembly for the recognition they paid to his talents, which placed him in a position of power second only to 1.
   So it is safe to say that this man who rose to the position of No.2, had once been put through a series of trials similar to that of No.6, but possibly for a shorter length of time, as indicated by the fact that he himself states that "I resisted for so short a time." So it is extremely unlikely that this No.2 had been put through the ordeal of "Degree Absolute" as he was to put No.6 through.
   No.6 was seen to have a future with the village, that one day it was hoped to persuade him to join them, and find a high position somewhere in administration, even that of No.2.
    And so it proved to be the case with No.2. A man of his calibre the village administration would certainly want to get 'on-side', him being a good man with the reputation which in all probability preceded him. two men who enjoyed a common factor, they were both seen to have a future with the village. How many had preceded even them? How many times had the Butler witnessed the ordeal of "Degree Absolute" in the embryo room, because it is certain that No.6 was not the first to have been put through the ordeal. But perhaps unlike No.6, they..... died! die 6 die......die.......die......die!
Be seeing you.

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