Wednesday 19 October 2011

Heroes And Villains

   There is no doubt that No.2 is a very charming man. He is also a very clever man, as he could see that the wrong approach was being used during The Chimes of Big Ben, and is not afraid to speak his mind, he like No.6 is not an inmate! Although it could be said, and has been said, that No.2 is just as much a prisoner as No.6!
    This is one No.2 who actually strikes up a genuine rapport with No.6, he even begins to like him.
    No.2 was once like No.6, a prisoner, but someone who resisited for so short a time, well each man has his breaking point, and No.2 must have reached his sooner than most!
    It is to his own amusement to watch No.6 carrying out the construction of the parts for his boat, knowing full well what No.6 is doing, having been kept informed by No.8! He must have admired No.6 for his quick thinking as how to explain his abstract sculpture at the 'Arts & Crafts Exhibition.'
    Although No.2 is Chairman of the Village, there is really nothing truly villianous about him. And of course in the end he comes good in the revolution against the Village. But I could never understand why the 'late' No.2 should be accused of biting the hand that feeds him. No.2 has always appeared to be a loyal participant in the Village. He even saw it as a blueprint for the future 'the whole earth as the Village - that is my dream.' what's more No.2 was prepared to give his own life for the cause, as in Once Upon A Time it had to either one of them. No.2 was a good man, is a good man, but if they get No.6, he will be better, in No.2's eyes at any rate! 

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