Wednesday 19 October 2011

Thought For The Day

'Is No.2 Fit For Further Term?'

    Well that's the headline The Tally Ho newspaper runs with in A B & C. Not only is No.2 under pressure to gain results in just three days, but he is suffering from a stomach ulcer at the same time, hence the newspaper headline, and why No.2 is a milk drinker. But obviously he was, because this No.2 was brought back for a second term in The General, unless of course The General could follow straight on after A B & C, being the next episode.
   Over the years within the annals of Prisoner appreciation, there has been the question of which episode came first A B & C or The General? In my opinion it is as it is, as it should be, that A B & C predates The General, otherwise why should No.2 tell Madam Professor in The General that he and No.6 are old friends?   Be seeing you.

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