Thursday 13 October 2011

Its Inexlicable!

    I suppose it must have come as something as a shock, as it did to most viewers, to see the departing helicopter suddenly hover, and turn back to the Village. The helicopter was taking the retiring No.2, who was about to escape the Village, to the landing stage. But suddenly the helicopter turns back to the Village, on who's instructions? The Supervisor in the Control Room? Certainly not at the order of the new No.2. I can only speculate that it was the escaping No.2 who gave the instruction for the helicopter pilot to rerturn to the Village.
   In reality the scene of the helicopter is stock film footage, as the Alouette helicopter was filmed several times, taking off, landing and during flight. Had the film of the helicopetr been cut a few seconds sooner, then it would have given the impression that the retiring No.2 had escaped. But the film was allowed to run on, and so you have the helicopter returning to the Village, much to the surprise of No.2. Perhaps the retiring No.2 had had second thoughts, after all he told No.6 that it would only be a question of time, before they caught up with him, no matter where he went. And so the easy option might be to return to the Village, perhaps to settle down to retirement in the Old People's Home, if he was lucky!    Be seeing you.

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