Thursday 13 October 2011

Ups And Downs!

    Edgar Allen Poe had 'The Pit and The Pendulum,' the Village has the control Room and that See-Saw device that not only goes up and down, but round and round at the same time!
    The Spanish Inquision saw the Pendulum as an instrument of torture, and this tool was used to instil fear into the inhabitants of the land. Not that the same can be said of this metal See-Saw device, yet there is cunning behind it. Because sat at either end of the See-Saw are two trained Observers. As it happens the duration for anyone sat at a monitor is around twenty minutes, after that they fail to notice things on the screen, their concentration has gone, and fail to pay attention. But the up and down, round and round movement of the See-Saw probably helps the Observers to a longer duration time in front of their monitors, it's the movement you see.
   However, deeper in the underworld of the Village, a simple Childs toy is put to an even darker use, as it is now fitted with heavy machine guns so that it may help protect the commuinty. Its purpose here in the Village underworld, to maintain security at the trial of three rebels.
   First an innocent childs toy is put to use extending to endurance time of the Observers, then later it is put to an even sinister use. Some have suggested that the See-Saw device is symbolic of the rise and fall of power, and ultimately becomes a symbol of war, rendering death and destruction. Well in the end, when revolution comes to Fall Out, this device as a killing machine is put to the test, when both the heavy machine guns are seen to have one fault, the operators cannot depress their heavy machine guns enough in close fighting, making the operators vunerable to attack from beneath.

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