Monday 17 October 2011

Its Inexplicable!

    In Checkmate, as the Village Guardian come rolling and bounding along the road, the Village citizens move to the side of the road, dismounting bicycles, and standing stock still until the Guardian has passed by. At that point there is no chessboard laid out on the lawn, yet moments later, when the man with the stick, No.14, comes along, not only is there a chessboard laid out on the lawn, but 31 human chess peices are making ready for a game of chess! There are times when life in the Village can be quite remarkable, don't you think?  Be seeing you


  1. Perhaps the chessboard rose out of the ground, like the chairs (and sometimes people) do from the floor in Number 2's residence.

    Be seeing you

  2. Hello ZM72,

    Now that's an idea I've never heard before.....interesting.

    By the by, I hadn't forgotten, and will be replying to your email today me' dear fellow.

