Thursday 17 November 2011

Caught On Camera

I say, He's Not The Bournemouth Strangler Is He?
    A friend of mine 731 HOP was talking in a comment about how she sees the Butler as being an innocent, almost child-like. Well I suppose the Butler can be seen that way. Yet by the time of Fall Out, any innocence the Butler might have had, has gone. Not only does he join in with his three confederates in the violent revolution, hitting a cowled figure over the head with a fire exstinguisher, blazing away with a Thompson sub-machine gun, but there's more........... It wan't until I was watching the violence during Fall Out, that I observed the Butler doing something rather curious. See in the above picture and the enlarged section - the Butler appears to be poised over the body of a cowled figure lying on the floor, as though doing him some injury. Now I could be wrong here, but as I watched the film, it seemed to me that the Butler, having laid aside the fire exstinguisher, that he puts his hands round the throat of the man on the floor, who he is strangling to death with his hands! Now I don't actualy see the Butler putting his gloved hands round the throat of the man lying on the floor, but the Butler's motion is very suggestive that that is exactly what he is doing. I have always wondered why the Butler is always wearing leather gloves, even when serving tea in the Green Dome. I've seen two films in which a strangler wears black leather gloves, one is The 4:15 From Paddington, and the second is The Brighton Strangler. Perhaps the Butler has a darker background than I had previously imagined!   I'll be seeing you.


  1. Arrghh, David, youve just broken my illusions! ;-)

    I guess the beast is in us all ...

  2. Hello 731 HOP,

    I'm sorry for dashing your illusions. There is indeed a beast in us all, an alter ego who we all try to supress, that darker side to our nature which wants us to do that soemthing which the lighter side tells us is wrong. Isn't that what Patrick McGoohan was trying to show us with No.1 being the alter ego of No.6, his darker side which No.6 was trying to beat?

    Have a good weekend. The sun is shining here for once, its a lovely autumn morning.

