Monday 21 November 2011

Caught On Camera

  Yesterday we were talking about what Clough Williams Ellis was doing in the top left hand picture. It was suggested that he was taking care of his Coy Carp fish, that he had shown concern for them, seeing as how a fight scene was to take part in the pool, as seen between the two men in the top left hand picture. Well that story is correct, but the Pool and fountain of the 'Free Sea' is far too shallow to support Coy Carp, and originally the fight scene was to have taken place in Portmeirion's original swimming pool as seen in the third picture.
   This is Portmeirion's original swimming pool, before the triangular swimming pool by the sea wall was constructed. And it is in this pool in which the fight scene was to have originally taken place - observe the two gardeners pulling a figure from the pool, and the man in red still up to his shoulders in water with No.2 and the Prisoner looking on in Arrival. It is also this pool which contains the Coy Carp which Clough was so concerned about, and the reason why the fight sceene was re-shot in the 'Free Sea' pool in the central square, which you can just see it in the background of the picture. Clough was happy to have the filming of the Prisoner in his beloved Portmeirion, yet he maintained a close surveillance eye upon their activities. Even to the point when he followed them around the Village from time to time, to the point of actually picking up litter himself which they may have dropped.  BCNU

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