Monday 21 November 2011

The Therapy Zone

The Disappearance A Second Time

    It was the Colonel and Thorpe who was there ex-colleague off on his flight of discovery that time during Many Happy Returns. I wonder how the Colonel felt when the news reached him of the disappearance of the Gloster Meteor jet aircraft? That his ex-colleague had died in an air accident at sea. Would that have sounded alarm bells I wonder. And how extensive would the search have been once the wreckage of the Meteor jet was discovered. If the aircraft was crashed deliberately, it may not have been of course, as it could have landed at the villages landing stage as previously mentioned in the episode of The Schizoid Man. But then their ex-colleague would still have disappeared, so surely his disappearance would still have seen a search initiated by the Colonel, with or without the recovery of wreckage of the aircraft.
   This is of course speculation, as one cannot tell how the Colonel would have reacted to the news of the second disappearance of his ex-colleague. However one thing is for sure, Thorpe would be meeting with his ex-colleague again soon in the village during Hammer Into Anvil.

The Cult Of The Individual

    Individuals fight to maintain their individuality, in wanting to be different from everyone else in society. But in society one must learn to conform! I'm an individual and I live quite peacefully in society, but I don't fight to maintain my individuality within society. I know who I am, they know who I am and that should be enough. But one thing I have never been able to shake off, is my strong resemblance to the Prisoner-McGoohan. That has remained with me until this very day no matter what I've tried to do, even growing long hair and dressing differently has made no difference.
   So does this resemblance to the Prisoner-McGoohan impinge upon my own individualism? Well not really, I am who I am and perhaps that resemblance goes to help make who I am. Take that away and I'm not that sure who I would be. Perhaps it holds me a prisoner more, I'm not sure. In this respect at least McGoohan was able to shake off the Prisoner now in his later years, where as I am not, and nor would want to. So much for embracing the Prisoner to my bosom!
   If I question myself like this now, why don't I shake the Prisoner off, put him in a box and seal it forever? Well, I suppose its all far too late now. It’s not easy to give up 40 years of Prisoner appreciation. Nothing before or since has captivated me so much as the Prisoner, which you might think is an indication of something lacking in my life. But you could not be more wrong, for me appreciation for the Prisoner has helped me maintain my sanity.
    So much for my own individuality. You can easily maintain your own individuality within society and without having to go to the extreme lengths as the Prisoner. Just don't let yourself be swayed by your peers that's all, be yourself and in that way you're sure to easily maintain you individuality.

A master Of Manipulation

    That is one way you could describe this No.2 of The Chimes of Big Ben, this in the way he cleverly manipulated No.6 in bringing him together with No.8-Nadia. Explaining from the very beginning that No.8 had been brought to the village for recouperation, that she's not at all important, and was surprised that they had sent her to the village at all.
   No.2 had called upon No.6 to attend him at the hospital to witness the interrogation of No.8 "What was the purpose of your swim. Were you attempting suicide, suicide, what was in your mind. What was the purpose of your swim, were you attempting suicide, suicide, suicide.......?" And the electrification of the floor and switching off just in the nick of time on the order of No.2 was a defining moment. And it was not long before No.6 took No.8-Nadia under his protective wing so to speak, the rest was then down to Nadia and her own manipulation of No.6 and her knowledge for the location of the village which turned out to be as false as she was.

Be seeing you.

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