Thursday 24 November 2011

Caught On Camera

  This chap in the sunglasses and striped jersey is about to be suffocated into either unconciousness, or to death, as a demonstration to the newly arrived Prisoner, what can happen if he, or anyone else, steps out of line. Well that's all fine and dandy, except for the Village Guardian's victim obvously, but why does the victim change from the chap in the sunglasses and striped jersey, to No.100 wearing a pink blazer in It's Your Funeral? As far as I'm aware it is No.6 who put paid to No.2's assistant No.100. And even if it wasn't, the question is, why should the Village Guardian attack No.100 in the first place? No.100 who after all, is a loyal servant of the Village.   I'll be seeing you.

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