Thursday 24 November 2011

The Therapy Zone

A Timely Moment For No.14

     In Hammer Into Anvil when in the gymnasium two Kosho players turn up just as No.6 is about to 'dunk' his opponent No.14 in the tank of water. But instead No.6 pulls No.14 up and they bow to each other!
   I can never understand why the sudden appearance of the two other Kosho players should stop No.6 giving No.14 a dunking. Or why, when obviously so much of the bout of Kosho was filmed for the episode Hammer Into Anvil, the majority of which was actually used in the following episode It's Your Funeral!

A private Affair

    The above is something I wrote over a decade ago now and is how I was feeling at the time. How do I feel today? Well its not only places that change, people change as well, and to feel that way and still write Prisoner-blog here would be impossible, and to be perfectly honest I thoroughly enjoy writing such blog because those who read it enjoy reading such Prisoner-blog. And so not to do so would mean that I would be letting my readers down. So no, the feelings of some 13 years ago have long since been spent. And besides I did spend three and a half years researching both the Prisoner and all related material. Did that effect, together with the fact that I now write so much on the series, effect the way I think of the Prisoner, in that it somehow reduces the Prisoner? No. Because on through my researches I have discovered so much which was not known before, and have learnt things I did not know previously. So I think all in all both my researches and Prisoner-blog writing have done me an enormous amount of good.
   However in another respect I am no longer the once proud member of Six of One: The Prisoner Appreciation Society that I was, that is one thing which has definitely changed, and for the better as it happens. I walked out on that particular society back in 2001 and never looked back. Why? Well that is a private affair, although some do know the reason why.

Fall Out – And the Offer Of Ultimate Power

    I wonder just how many people would have acted as the Prisoner would have done in Fall Out, in having turned his back on the offer of ultimate power? I can think of a good few people, in ordinary life, who would have accepted without a second thought!
   Well we all want to be No.1 don't we, and of course it all depends on what one does with such power. And don't forget power corrupts and ultimate power corrupts absolutely.
    I sometime ponder the question what if Sir-the Prisoner had accepted that offer of ultimate power, if of course the offer was real in the first place. Perhaps Sir's rejection was due to the misuse of such power by No.1, his alter ego. And in that might just lie the answer, his resignation from association with No.1 his alter ego, causing him to become a prisoner of his other self and thereby lies the struggle within himself.


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