Sunday 13 November 2011

"My Bonnie Lies Over The Ocean............ Bonnie lies over the sea, oh bring back my Bonnie to me."

    Such is the music to the song used in the episode Do Not Forsake Me Oh My Darling. It is possible to make this song even more fitting to the episode if you replace the name Bonnie with the word body. 'Oh bring back my body to me." But even more, poor Janet Portland, her Bonnie was somewhere over the ocean, lies somewhere over the sea. She must have wished for her Bonnie to be brought back to her, just as the Colonel wants his 'body' brought back to him!   Be seeing you


  1. It may be just a Sassenach thing, but as a kid I always thought the words were *body*....... :-D

    It actually makes the song much more meaningful, as a generality - almost allegorical in fact.

  2. Hello Moor,

    That's strange, for I too always thought it was 'Body.' and thought that when I watched 'Do Not Forsake me Oh My Darling' for the first when I was a boy. "My body lies over the ocean, my body lies over the sea, oh bring back my body to me.'

    And looking at it the other way, just as with the Colonel, the Prisoner's body was also over the Ocean, over the sea.

