Sunday 13 November 2011

Caught On Camera

  No.2 reads through part of Nadia Rakovsky's file, and discovers that Nadia was once an Olympic Bronze medalist, if indeed it is her file and not simply part of the script for The Chimes of Big Ben. I can see that the photograph is of Nadia, I wonder what film that picture is taken, or might it be a publicity photograph? I have often wondered what that actual text is. Perhaps it is the script of the episode, as I cannot think that it's a file typed up about the character Nadia Rakovsky, what would be the point in that? Simply creating extra work for someone, if that was the case that's all.   Be seeing you.


  1. Probably the press release that accompanied the publicity still.

    I've wondered if all those pictures of McGoohan as the pre-Prisoner, in Arrival, sitting by a chest of drawers and suchlike, were pix from inside his own house. The rooms 'appear* very small on-screen and very domestic. They are certainly nothing like any film/TV set I've ever seen. That would have made his kids laugh, to see their house on the telly back then.... :-D

  2. Hello Moor,

    You might very well be right regarding Nadia Gray's picture. However, I think the pictures of McGoohan pre-Prisoner are not of him in his own home, but a hotel room, possibly while on location at Portmeirion, that would mean in White Horses cottage. Amongst those photographs is one taken in a bar, a hotel bar. I think McGoohan was too much of a private man to allow a photographer into his own home. But of course I could be wrong.


  3. White Horses Cottage? That should be easy to verify surely? The wallpaper looked a bit... busy/fussy.... for a hotel I thought.

    The bar was tiny wasn't it. I wondered if maybe that was just at MGM.

    I was glancing at Nadia Grey's imdb entry and noticed The Prisoner was her final one.

  4. Hello Moor,

    I've stayed in White Horses, can't remember what the wall paper was like though. Originally the bar in Portmeirion's hotel was only a small bar, it could be the bar at the Tremadoc hotel just down the road from Portmadog where some of the production crew were staying, I've stayed there myself. I'll have to take a look at the photographs again to refesh my memory.

    I've discovered that Nadia Gray did a French film in 1976 'Rue Haute,' but nothing after that. I've often wondered how Nadia became involved with the Prisoner in the first place.


  5. I would have hoped the wallpaper might have been changed by the time you stayed there... :-D

    I think one of the pix in that sequence has a twin-bedded room, suggesting a hotel room arrangement. They seem a bit small to be McGoohan's own house, on reflection. If the pix are local to Portmeirion, it shows how so much of the show was being fleshed out as they went along.

  6. Hello Moor,

    Now you come to mention it, my wife cannot remember there being wallpaper on the walls, she thinks there were painted with emulsion with pictures hung on the walls. However I can say that the main bedroom of White Horses did have two single beds rather than a double bed. I merely suggested the cottage at Portmeirion as a possibility, and the hotel with the bar. But I will take another look at the pictures, and my wife wants to as well.
    Oh yes, the series was being fleshed out as you said, while on location at Portmeirion, I think when they started they only had four scripts, but don't quote me on that.

    Best Wishes
