Monday 14 November 2011

The Therapy Zone

Fall Out – Further Trials

   Almost a decade ago the following questions were asked about Fall Out, and the answers I gave at the time.
    What was the motivating force behind Fall Out?
   Probably to get the final episode in the "can" and by doing so completing the filming of the Prisoner series because the screening of the series on television had long since began before filming of Fall Out had commenced.
    What do you think McGoohan expected to achieve?
    I think he achieved it. There is an enigmatic answer to an allegorical question!
    Did the episode work?
    As a straight forward action adventure, with a "Bond" style of ending, yes I think it works. The good guys won, and used the element of violence as in all good James Bond films. The majority being over powered by a much smaller force. And if you don't think too much about Fall Out, and simply sit back and enjoy the action, then the episode works even better.
    Patrick McGoohan described Fall Out as being an allegorical ending to an enigmatic series. Well when you bring the allegory into the matter, then you can get away with doing anything, and get away with it, by calling it an allegory. And for me that's just what McGoohan did, he got away with it!
   Just one final word. You may not understand Fall Out on an allegorical level {I don't try to}, but remember this, the Prisoner would not be the Prisoner without Fall Out. As I feel Fall Out is the only logical ending to the Prisoner series. Did I say ending, I meant beginning of course. Because isn't the ending of something the beginning of something else? Oh lets not start all that again. Next episode please Mr. Editor, and better make it Arrival, then at least we'll all have finally come full circle!

Hidden Messages!

    The question of so termed "hidden messages" with the 17 episodes of the Prisoner has been on the lips of many a fan of the series for years. Hidden meassages, do me a favour! I know, I've looked and there aren't any. And anyone who thinks that Patrick McGoohan, along with David Tomblin, with script writer George Markstein, along with other script writers who worked on the series, had time to add-in hidden mysterious messages then all I can say is, fiddle sticks!


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